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  • 学习美国独立战争的五点提示的笔记

    书单:Gordon Wood'S 《Radialism of the American Revolution》《美国独立革命中的激进主义》Robert Gross <The minutemen and Their World>《民兵和他们的世界》Bernard Bailyn<Faces of revolution>《革命中的人物》Ray Rapheal <A Peoole's History of the American Revolution>《美国独立战争的民族历史》 Thomas Paine <Common Sense>《常识》<essays form The Federalist>《联邦党人文集》 <The Declaration of Independence>《独立宣言》<Major Problems in the Era of the American Revolution>《美国独立战争年代的主要问题》HBO <JOHN ADAMS>学习美国独立战争的五点提示:1.Avoid the dreaded Revolutionary War fact bubble .不要把美国独立战争看成一个事实的泡沫。2.Think about the meaning of words.思考词语的含义(有些现在看起来意义明显的词,在1776或1787年意思可能完全不同)。比如:Democracy 民主3.Remember that Founders were people.记住,国父们也是人。4.We're not just talking about Founders.我们学的不仅仅是国父们。独立战争并不是一群戴着假发穿着马裤的人安安静静地谈话。革命是人民的革命。5.Remember contingency.记住事件的偶然性。当时的人们不知道会发生什么,他们假设一切都有可能发生,万事都没有一个固定的结局。

    by cyhti 1 1
  • 常识的笔记

    Common sensepamphlet:小册Tomas Paine's body(一个悲伤的故事,奇怪的结局)Background1775-1776Second Continental Congressthey try to rebalance the British constitutionand they issued the Olive Branch Petition(橄榄枝请愿书),the King refused it,declared a proclamation(声明)on August 23,1775,that declared the colonies to be in rebellion,and planned to send 20000 sodiers to go to coloniesOpinions establish a new nationWho is PaineIndependence         

  • 谁是反对独立者的笔记

    who r the loyalists1 Suffolk Resolves2 the Declaration and Resolves权利宣言的三法则(1)the law of nature(2) the principles of the English constitution(3) the charters of coloniesBut the most IMP is the sense of rights as English subjectsa petition to the King four kinds of Tories1)furious Tories(狂暴保守党)2)writing and talking Tories3)silent but busy Tories(偷发传单)4)peaceable and conscientious Tories  

  • 抵抗的逻辑的笔记

    logic of resistancethe Intolerable Acts in 1774a response to the destruction of tea in Boston Harbor1 the Boston Port Act2 the Quartering Act(军队驻扎法)legalized the quartering of British troops3the Administration of Justice Act(诉讼法案)4the Massacusetts Government Actthe council(顾问委员) could not weto the governor's decisionsthese acts deprived the colonies of some pretty basic British constitutional rightsa military commander was sent to be the new governora standing army(常备军)the colonies didn't want to break away at this point, they just want to make some compromiseso a joint congress from all the colonies was sujested to be estabished to discuss their problemsthe First Continental Congressit wasn't a sort of dire radical bodyFour Keys1 it's actually kind of practical2 it forced people from very separate colonies_in a way(一定程度上),really aort of separate nation-states__to meet one another and stay with another for a long time3 to John Adams and some others,the fact that now this congress exsited seemed to be a training ground for American statesmen.4 it was that at least to some back in England the Continental Congress symbolized a move towards rebllionLock the social contract theoryspirit of Enlightment关于香港问题的思考:现在中央政府同特区政府的矛盾开始加深,双方对港人治港的问题存在着认识差异,一些大陆学者和香港学者相互指责,这对于问题实在无益,美利坚殖民地的历史事实正在提醒着我们:加强两岸之间的联系,统一我们双方对于政府权力的认识是非常重要的!  

  • 革命者的笔记

    1)people united to form non-importation associations(抵制进口协会)merchants r centernon-importation politicized daily activities of women as well as men,spreading feelings of community-level patriotism with people joined in a joint political effort to defend their rights.2)unload the tea 

  • 抵抗还是叛乱的笔记

    一June of 1765,the Massachusetts assembly(the Stamp Act congress)they owed rheir allegiance to the crown like any British subjectthey can't be taxed without their constent,and they declared that trial by jury(陪审审判)was the right of every British subject in the coloniesthe characteristics:respectful but direct二physical actionmobs(暴民)in early America weren't sort of wild,violent,out-of-control,conservative(保守的),procedual(合乎程序的),all levels of society might take part at one time or anotherA group of Boston radicals(激进分子) who eventually called themselves the Sons of Liberity,the summer of 1765appeal the group who agrees to take part in some kind of protest(抗议)destroy Oliver's house &Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson's houseboycott British goods三in the middle of all this, Grenville's ministry(政府) fell,the Earl of Rockingham was the new Prime Minister,he wanted to repeal(废除) the Stamp ActThe Declaratory Act of 1766 declared that Parliament(国会) could pass laws for the coloniesCharles townshend took place of the Earl of RockinghamThe Townshend Acts of 1767external tax,customs duties(关税)Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania ultimately has an impact,it's a strong statementthe British Secretary of State(英国国务卿),Lord Hillsborough,really saw it as organized resistance and refused to stand for itask the Governor of Massschusetts to disolve assembly unless they took back the letterorganized the troops四Boston Massacre(波士顿惨案)1770-3-5     

  • 愤怒的被殖民者.印花税危机的笔记

    Stamp Act Cirsis1.Albany Congress 1754unify some coloniespropose short hintspeople protested the idea of Frankline2 Stamp Act Crisiswith the close of the French and Indian War, colonial love and respect for things English was at a real highbut the chain of events1).budgetary crisis1764 new tax on window and stamp2)The Sugar Act of 1764clamp down on colonial tradeleaky systemestablish some duties on foreigh goods3)The Currency Act of 1764clamp down the colonial currencybasic rights as British subjects ?4)The Stamp ActAll documents must use this special  stamped paper_____place the tax on all of these items by making people buy stamped paper for themIt's a tax levied by Parliament directly upon the colonists5)alarmingunite the coloniesattack the people who had the means to protestPatrick Henry__dramatic speakerthe Virginia Resolustions said that the colonists had come to Virginia with equal rights to all British subjects        

  • 殖民地关系的笔记

    before Stamp Act crisisunity did not make sense a lot of the time?differences 1 different colonies r distinctive and they often distrusted one another2 lot of border conflicts3 the colonies were hostile to each other because they were seeing to their own intereststhree kinds of colonies1 corporate colonies(共同殖民地)independently founded colonies2 proprietary colonies(特许殖民地)3 royal colony(皇家殖民地)   

  • 作为英裔美国人的笔记

    characteristicsgreat awakeningnew colonists:many of them have never been to England,and they didn't necessarily have an accurate sense of really what it means to live in Englandtrends:to many people, colonies r their own country.a.it shows people of different social ranks obviouslyb.they understand that there's a little bit of a difference that's making them feel somewhat awkard.c.diverisity.d.individual colonial pride different points1.distinctive character of people migrated to the coloniesrisk-takers;pretty independent;didn't simply accept the status quo2.distinctive conditions of life in British Americaindependent lifestylemore landholdinghealithiervoting and political participation(much wider franchise)more of a middling society3.the nature of British colonial administration.sermon布道impact of Great Awakeningequality,democratizing,anti-authoritarian force;a mix of individualism and persoal enpowerment and throw in an emotioal sort of righteousnessdeveloped strong legislatureslocal institution 

  • 作为英国殖民者的笔记

    1770(1)population increasing(2)booming trade(3)deep affectionbut an ongoing inferiority complexFACT:a. as a British colonist        b. far from civilized worlda constant thinking:how we r being looked upon?(4)middling societybut titles, status is IMP(5)libertymade personal sacrifise for Britain    

  • 学习美国独立战争的五点提示的笔记

    (一)1 the war was actually no part of the revolution2the American war was over,but this is far from being the case with th american revolution3 mix up American revolution with American warthey r basically suggesting that the American reolution represented an enormous change of mindset as loyal british coloniststhe revolution is a beginning(二)HistoryGordon Woods Redicalism of the American RevolutionRobert Gross The Minutemen and Their WorldBenard bailyn Faces of RevolutionRay Rahohael A People's History of the American RevolutionliteratureThomas Paine Common SenseMagior Problems in the Era of the American Revolution(三)Five Tips for Studying the American Revolution1Avoid the dreaded Revoltionary War fact bubble2think about meaning of words3remember that founders were people4we're not just talking about founderspopular revolution5remember the contingency   

  • 作为英国殖民者的笔记

    说了在北美新世界的殖民者生活方面和当时英国对殖民地的政策,一些触发独立战争的背景。说到了英国的salutary neglect政策,对自己统治的好处。

  • 学习美国独立战争的五点提示的笔记

    学习美国独立战争的五点提示:1.Avoid the dreaded Revolutionary War fact bubble .不要把美国独立战争看成一个事实的泡沫。2.Think about the meaning of words.思考词语的含义(有些现在看起来意义明显的词,在1776或1787年意思可能完全不同)。比如:Democracy 民主3.Remember that Founders were people.记住,国父们也是人。4.We're not just talking about Founders.我们学的不仅仅是国父们。独立战争并不是一群戴着假发穿着马裤的人安安静静地谈话。革命是人民的革命。5.Remember contingency.记住事件的偶然性。当时的人们不知道会发生什么,他们假设一切都有可能发生,万事都没有一个固定的结局。  

    by Andrea 0 0
  • 作为英国殖民者的笔记



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