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June of 1765,the Massachusetts assembly(the Stamp Act congress)

  1. they owed rheir allegiance to the crown like any British subject
  2. they can't be taxed without their constent,and they declared that trial by jury(陪审审判)was the right of every British subject in the colonies

the characteristics:respectful but direct

physical action

mobs(暴民)in early America weren't sort of wild,violent,out-of-control,

conservative(保守的),procedual(合乎程序的),all levels of society might take part at one time or another

A group of Boston radicals(激进分子) who eventually called themselves the Sons of Liberity,the summer of 1765

  1. appeal the group who agrees to take part in some kind of protest(抗议)
  2. destroy Oliver's house &Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson's house
  3. boycott British goods

in the middle of all this, Grenville's ministry(政府) fell,the Earl of Rockingham was the new Prime Minister,he wanted to repeal(废除) the Stamp Act

The Declaratory Act of 1766 declared that Parliament(国会) could pass laws for the colonies

Charles townshend took place of the Earl of Rockingham

The Townshend Acts of 1767

external tax,customs duties(关税)

Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania ultimately has an impact,it's a strong statement

the British Secretary of State(英国国务卿),Lord Hillsborough,really saw it as organized resistance and refused to stand for it

ask the Governor of Massschusetts to disolve assembly unless they took back the letter

organized the troops

Boston Massacre(波士顿惨案)







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