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Stamp Act Cirsis

1.Albany Congress 1754

unify some colonies

propose short hints

people protested the idea of Frankline

2 Stamp Act Crisis

with the close of the French and Indian War, colonial love and respect for things English was at a real high

but the chain of events

1).budgetary crisis

1764 new tax on window and stamp

2)The Sugar Act of 1764

clamp down on colonial trade

leaky system

establish some duties on foreigh goods

3)The Currency Act of 1764

clamp down the colonial currency

basic rights as British subjects ?

4)The Stamp Act

All documents must use this special  stamped paper_____place the tax on all of these items by making people buy stamped paper for them

It's a tax levied by Parliament directly upon the colonists


unite the colonies

attack the people who had the means to protest

Patrick Henry__dramatic speaker

the Virginia Resolustions said that the colonists had come to Virginia with equal rights to all British subjects









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