Pronunciation Workshop ----美式英语发音

Pronunciation Workshop ----美式英语发音

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  • American English Pronunciation---s2. Voicing, S的笔记

    F, V, SH and Voiced SH sound1: Air friction sound. F(unvoiced) and V(voiced) Paired consonants.F...ood, F...inaly, F...ind, F...amily, F...r..eedom,  Laugh...,, Symph...ony, Rough...2: V

    by Gyatso 0 0
  • American English Pronunciation--s7.Pronunounce_wor的笔记

    ch    unvoiced soundj sound is always voiced  educate 

  • American English Pronunciation---s2. Voicing, S的笔记

    make ovvv woodstatue ovvv  libertysugar   sureusualunusual

  • American English Pronunciation---s2. Voicing, S的笔记

    F ——unvoiceV——voicefoot想象有两个拍子f——ootof——ov

    by 盲时 0 0
  • American English Pronunciation---s1. R and W的笔记

    vowel sounds/ consonant sounds:R:1.end of the word:air\ car1)mouth and lips come tightly forward:u~2)pull the tongue back2.the middle of the word: hurry/ everyone3.the strongestW:oooo~wawawanot use the tongueQ:K+W(ch)sometimes is same.

  • American English Pronunciation--s15.Pronunounce(b)的笔记

    The 50 Most Mispronounced Words in American English.Accounting  Argue             ActuallyAvailable      Arrangement    BasicallyBusiness        Calls              ompleteContinue      Contribute  CorporationDifferents      Directly        ExactlyEducational      Every    ExceptionalFamiliar        Financial      FrustratingGeneral    Immediately InconvenienceIntroduceIrrational Justice LikeableLoosenMeasurementsMiddleMultipleNationalOriginalOutrageousParticularPartnership ProblemProhibitQualityQuestionReferringRegardlessRequestSimilarSpecificValueVisualizeVulnerableWorking

  • American English Pronunciation--s14.Pronunounce的笔记

    Reading PassagesThe 10Keys towards improvementⅠ.Photo Album Keeping a family phtograph album is a good way to save family memories for yourself and future generations of your family. Very old pictures can be taken to a photo shop and reprinted to that they can be placed in an album. Be sure to write on the back of the picture any information you remember about the people in it. Also, write the date if you remember it. Looking at photo albums is a relaxin g way to spend the day and it is a fun activity to share with family and friends. Your children,grandchildren and their children will appreciate your efforts too,Ⅱ.The Public Library Your library card can be your ticket to entertainment, current events ,and new ideas. Almost every city has a public library and there is no charge for a library card. Libraries have books about many subjects ,but there are also other things at the library. These include books on cassette tape,video tapes,large print books, CD's,DVD's and magazines. Many have free programs in the afternoon or evening about travel ,hobbies or other topics of interest. Some cities also have a bookmobile or traveling library,which brings the library right into your neighborhood.Ⅲ.John D.Rockefeller John D.Rockefeller did three amazing things.First, he aquired probably the greatest fortune in all history. He started out in life digging potatoes under the hot sun for four cents an hour. In those days,there were not half a dozen men in all the United States who were worth even one million dollars. Eventually,John D.managed to collect a fortune said to be anywhere from one to two billion dollars. And yet,the first girl he fell in love with refused to marry him. The reason given was because her mother refused to allow her daughter to "throw herself away"on a man who had such poor prospects. Ⅳ.Stars (TH&Voiced Z in"Thousand") How many stars can you see on a dark clear night?You can see about 3000 stars with your eyes alone. But keep in mind that you are viewing only part of the sky.If the whole sky were visible ,you could count about 5000 stars. If you look through a small telescope you might see as many as 600000 stars. Through the most powerful telescopes,astronomers can spot millions of stars. No one is sure exactly how many stars there are altogether ,but astronomers believe there are at least 200billion billion stars out in space.10KEYS Towards Improvement:①.Practice & Listen;②.Do not leave off the endings of your words.③. Make o list of frequently used words.④.Open your mouth.(Wide→Intelliengeble)⑤.Don't be afraid to speak.⑥.Read aloud in English 10-15min/d.⑦.Record and Listen to your voice.⑧.Watch the Mouth Movements of Native Speakers &Imitate.⑨.Buy Books on Tape.⑩.Be Patient.

  • American English Pronunciation--s15.Pronunounce (a的笔记

    /z/、/s/Endings & WⅠ。A Foreign Student    When a student from another country comes to study in the United States,he has to find out for himself the answers to many questions,and he has many problems to think about.Where should he live?Would it be better living in a dormitory,or in a private room off campus?    Should he spend all of his time studying,or should he take advantage of the many cultural and social activities that are offered?    At first ,he may not feel that he fits in with the American culture.He may not feel confident when he speaks.Little by little ,however,he learns how to handle himself in various situations.    Finally ,he begins to feel very secure and 'at home'.Unfortunately, this long awaited feeling doesn't develop suddenly.It takes time. Ⅱ。 Volcanoes    Volcanoes are holes in the Earth's crust which allow molten rock to escape from beneath.The molten rock,or lava ,may flow out gently or it may be blasted high in the air with gas and ash in a violent explosion.    There are 850 active volcanoes around the world.Do you know where these mountains of fire are found?Theree quarters of them are found within a zone called the "Ring of Fire".    One edge of the zone stretches along the west coast of the Americans from Chile to Alaska.The other edge runs along the east coast of Asia from Siberia to NewZealand.    20percent of these volcanoes are located in Indonesia.Other big groupings are in Japan.The Aluatian Islands and Contral America. Ⅲ。 The Chinese Language     Chinese is a most unusual language.It differs from English and most other major languages ,in that it has hundreds of different dialects.    A person who lives in one section of the vast country of China ,often cannot understand a fellow Chinese who lives in another section.    These two major dialects are Cantonese and Mandarin. Cantonese is a southern dialect.Mandarin ,a dialect that originated in northern China is spoken by more Chinese than any other dialect.    Non-Chinese people often say that the Chinese seem to "sing"their language.Chinese sounds as though it is sung,because most words are only one syllable long and because the tone of voice,changes for each word.As in English ,many words have more than one meaning .The speaker's tone of voice indicates each word's specific meaning.    Even more facinating than the variety of spoken sounds,is the Chinese written language.It has no alphabet.Instead it employs signs called "characters".Each spoken word in the language is represented by a separate character.Originally, the characters were drawings that depicted the meanings of words,but over the years ,they have simplifical , and most no longer look like the things they represent.    The SuperContinent    Around 100 to 150million years ago,there may have been only one continent on our planet.At least that is what some Earth scientists have decided after years of research.    If you look at the map of the world carefully,you can see that the present day continents could be thought of as the pieces to a gigantic jigsaw puzzle.In your imagination ,carefully put the pieces together to form the supercontinent.You will see that if you took away the South Atlantic Ocean and pressed South America and Africa together,they would fit very nicely.You could continue removing oceans and seas and put other parts of the world together quite easily until you get to those last two pieces of Australia and Antarctica.Scientists believe that the continents of Australia and Antarctica were once linked together.They may have split slowly off from the supercontinent and then separated from each other as recently as 40million years ago.        

  • American English Pronunciation---s13.Pronunounce的笔记

    Phrase Reductions & Intonation Ⅰ.Phrase Reductions Going to try→Gona tryWant to eat→wanna eatHave to start→Hafta startHas to try→Hasta tryGot to leave→Gotta leaveOught to believe→Oughta believeOut of bed→Outta bedDid you go?→Didja go?Would he?→Wouldy?Won't you?→WonchaDidn't you know? →Didincha know?Is he? →Izzy?What do you want?→whadaya want?Give it to me. →Givida me.(清音between元音,变浊) Ⅱ.IntonationDiane's Donuts        Have you ever tried one of Diane's Donuts?They are so delicious!        I have eaten many different kinds of donuts,from all over the country, however,I have never tasted anything, quite like donuts made by Diane.    I have been told that she uses the finest and freshest ingredients that money can buy.The best flour, the best eggs and the best milk. I am sure that once you taste these incredible donuts,you will run and tell all of your friends.Ask QuestionsSyllable Stress 2 Syllable Words: ①.Stress on 1st syllable:SOfa   Oven   AFter   FINger  STAtion  SEcond   ENter   OFTen  UNcle     CARpet  FAther  CHILDren  WALKing  JACket   LUcky  COMment  ②.Stress on 2nd syllablediLEte   deLINE   surVIVE   proTECT aDOPT  adVANCE   beLOW  reSOLVE adVICE  acQUIT    conTROL   arRIVE inVOLVE  maSSAGE  diSEASE reLATE3 Syllable Words:reDUCtion   arRANGEment   auDItion comPANion   deTECTion    amBItious comPANion   apPLIAnce    disCOVer unLAWful    conCLUsion    asSEMble adJUSTment afFECTed  acCEPTance feROciousThe PICtures are fanTAStic.He needs perMISsion to find a soLUtion.The PARty is in HOnor of his reTIREment.Her son exHIbited bad beHAvior on their vaCAtion.Joe drinks cheap wine.Sue ONLY drinks EXPENSIVE wine.Don't forget his birthday.We would NEVER forget HIS birthday.She's PLANNING to leave tomorrow.He made plans to leave a MONTH ago.The teacher's meeting is at 9:00.The students announced that they will NEVER have a meeting .My telephone isn't working.The telephone NEEDS to work by LUNCHTIME.He's PAINTING his house blue and green.Your HOUSE would look TERRIBLE if it were green.

  • American English Pronunciation--s12.Pronunounce的笔记

    Tongue TwistersⅠ.F  W Voiced/z/Ⅱ.Voiced VⅢ.Peter Piper PL pickledⅣ.SH S voiced/z/Ⅴ.W  CHⅥ.RⅦ.BR BL "th"in Bathbrush &SmoothⅧ.GR &GLAluminum LinoleumⅨ.Won't  ←Whoaw+n'tWoke ←Whoaw+K 

  • American English Pronunciation--s11.Pronunounce的笔记

    3Vowel soundsEE→i→AE→EH→A1.A in Hat.2.AU in Out &Downtown3.AH/a:/spelling with "0" sounds AH:Hot,Top,Stop,Probably,Follow,Not,Blob,Sock,Mop,Product,Solve,Problem.

  • American English Pronunciation--s10.Pronunounce的笔记

    Back Vowels:OO UH OH AW AH/U:/ /u/ /ou/ /ao/ /a:/1.#OO#/U:/(high vowel sounds)The room in the school was cool.Do you remeber the woman who lived in a shoe?She hadn't a clue what to do when her family grew.Well,through your help,they are moving in June into two big boots.2.spelling with "oo"(low sounds)/u/Food-OO ; Foot-Uhfoot,took,cook,shook,stood,good,look,book,wool,swoosh.Wood &Would &HollywoodWould you please order the wood from Hollywood? Very Good!3.EH /e/ Egg,get,friend,next,entrance,better,healthy,lettuce,wrench,spread,best,ready,every,red,exit,check,fence,headset,necklace,wealth.

  • American English Pronunciation---s9.Pronunounce的笔记

    #O# Hidden W   owWoke≠walk ;Won't≠wantWoke:Whoaw+KWon't:Whoaw+ntCompared with: Want; Woke;Won't #A# A-E 

  • American English Pronunciation--s8.Pronunounce_Wo的笔记

    A E I O U15 Vowel Sounds,Some 10different spellingsSize,Shape&Tension of muscles in your Mouth,Tongue,&Lips.Ear Training:Front Vowels:(high→low)  eg: EE   I    AE   EH   A       Heat Hit Hate Het Hat    &Back Vowels:(high→low)    eg:OO    Uh   Oh     Aw    Ah       Boot  Book Boat Bought BotPaired Words:Heat Hit ;Keen Kin; Deal Dill; Seek Sick; Seen Sin;Reap Rip ;Teal Till;Bean Beendouble"e":#ee#:mostly /i:/high up;but Been/i/(low down)EE(high):Feed ,Seen ,BeanSee, Me ,Each, Even, Key,Green, tree, very, happy, softly, Mary, busy, finally, country,Speeding on the freeway.Happily eating cheese.He and she skiing very rapidly.Paragraph:She sees a monkey eating honey.We see a pony stealing money.Who can he see?It must be me!/i/(low down):Hit ,bit ,bill ,lift ,fizz ,kitchen ,build ,bigger ,chimp ,fifth ,listen ,business ,fist ,display ,filming ,live ,fish ,discuss ,fig ,fifty ,been.EE & i Practise Sentences: He hit the baseball, and felt the heat.

  • American English Pronunciation--s7.Pronunounce_wor的笔记

    #CH#   #J#  #H#Ⅰ.#CH# Unvoiced清音Chop-chop Children.It's Charlie's Kitchen Adventure.Today,Chuck will be teaching future champion cooks how to make a chocolate cheesecake.Ⅱ.#J#Always Voiced(浊音) J & GMajesty; Educate; Sug(断开)gestion.“A German judge and jury have charged and jailed a strange giant,who sat on the edge of a bridge throwing jelly onto large barges.”Ⅲ.#H#  Loud Airstream:HHHHHAH & wh"Henry the hungry hippo,who hogged a huge heap of the one hundred hamburgers has had hiccups for one whole week.  

  • American English Pronunciation--s6._Word_Endings.U的笔记

    Word EndingsCommon Mistakes:Ⅰ.Drop off the last sound in a word,like:B P T D ,IT'S WRONG!Don't Drop Off The Endings!Ⅱ.Ending with #ED# 3Rules:清清(t)浊浊(d)元浊(id)eg:Lift→(Lifted:/~di:d/) #NG# 3鼻音:M N NGRing Sing Walking(~k+鼻音:不连音!)  


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