grape, training, trust,,,,,push your mouth forward before you say the word
R在词首: 嘴唇向前收拢,舌头向后 R结尾/元音后:舌头向后,嘴唇收拢 R中间:嘴唇先向前,再向后拉 R blends: (gr, kr...) R音最强 W- 嘴唇向前收拢,但舌头不动 o-W Q-KW Ch-KW L1.1)How to Practice?①.Speak Slowly;②.Use a Loud Voice;③.Exaggerate Your Mouth Movements.2)The Key to Success:①.Being Aware of Your Errors;②.Recognizing Mistakes When You Hear Them.Vowel Sounds: A E I O UConsonant Sounds:b ch s t f g sh w#R# ①Mouth and lips come tightly forward;②Tongue moves back.#W# Similar as #R# forward, then back.#O#:there is a "W"in the ,Once...#Q#: KW eg: Quick,Question,Quebec,Quilt,Choir.Halloween; Hollywood.R & W Paragraph:Ray was born in Russia.He dreamed of building the perfect roller coaster at the Grand Canyon in Arizona.He had a friend named Fred who lived in Norway.Fred's profession was designing railroad tracks,and his career involved traveling all around the world.Ray thought it would be perfect if Fred designed his roller coaster ride.Fred was creative,brilliant,and worked well with railroad tracks.He would be the perfect engineer for the project. The ride took two years to constuct and was painted Red and White.Everyone really wanted to ride the brand new roller coaster.
F 不发声 上齿咬住下唇V 发声 上齿咬住下唇F gh ph发音稍微延长 送气但不发声v 注意 leave leafof 发V音sh 分为发声不发声两种 不发声sh音将舌头向前,牙齿略微分开 喉咙送气chicago chef insurance tissue sugar precious 发不发声sh音发声sh 在不发声sh基础上加上声带发声ge有时候也发发音sh
th:舌头往前伸thr:r发最强声例外:th 读t(Thomas,Thames,Thompson,Esther,Theresa,Thyme,Thailand)woiced D voiced vowel D vowel(water,better,butter)
词尾不发音的加s,s也不发音词尾是s,z,sh,ch,dg 发IZZZ音(bus,raise,lunch,push)词尾是元音读z(tree,day,shoe,fly,head,train,song)写作s但读z的(is,as,was,these,those,easy,because)
vowels consonant pairedunvoiced voiced p bt df vs z3rules 1,last unvoiced add s unvoiced cup 2cupscat cats break breaks2,s z sh ch dg add izzzzzpage 2pages bus 2 buses lunch 2 lunches raise he raises push pushes3,vowel voiced ztrees day 2 daysshoe shoes fly flies games head heads train songexception is his as was these easy because
v-fproof prove symphonysugar sure chef chicago shadow sheep nation motion mission special official machine insurance ocean tissue addition subtraction rush dish establish sh vvision aisa version casual televisionbeige massage prestige
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L sound:1. Mouth should be wide open and jaw should be down.2. Your tongue should rise up and push behind your top teeth.3. Drop and relax your tongue.L at the end of a wordThe movement of the tongue rising
A : hatau: downtown/are/ourO: aheg: hot top stop probably..