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Dutta - Strategy and Games

Joel Watson - Strategies [Advanced]

Thinking Strategically


My strategy Alpha strictly dominates my stragegy Beta if my payoff from Alpha is strictly greater than that from Beta regardless of what others do.

Lesson 1: Do not play a strictly dominated strategy.  (β)

Lesson 2: Rational choice can lead to bad outcomes.

Q: What enforce a contract?

A: In countries where there is a low force of the law, mafia is a subsitute for the law that enforces both legal and illegal contracts.

Lesson 3: Payoff mater: you can't get what you want till you know what you want

Evil gits Vs Indignent Angels

Lesson 4: put yourself in other’s shoes and try to figure out what they will do

Lesson 5: clever people are evil

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国内大学 西方经济学
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