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  • 积极情绪的笔记


  • 逆境还是机遇?的笔记


  • 乐观主义的笔记


  • 环境的力量的笔记


  • 积极的环境能改变人的笔记

    实践理想主义者:什么带来改变然后去做杰出大众化 不要低估自己改变的能力指数函数的力量:让爱传出去幸福水平受财富、荣誉、地位、居住地等除极端情况下的外部环境的影响很小,几乎是静止的,但它可以得到提升。期望的正确与错误可以影响幸福水平,而不是高与低快乐和悲伤,幸福和痛苦都是自然而然的,不需去压抑,这些证明我们还活着我们需要一个面对自己准许为人的空间,拒绝本性导致次优表现,号令自然必须遵守自然情感、行为、认知.接受美好和坏的情绪,增强心理免疫系统

  • 什么是积极心理学?的笔记

    特别成功的人的两个特质1、自信2、保持开放、好奇的状态解读信息比信息本身更重要米开朗琪罗  创作大卫——凿去多余的石块,只留下有用的。本课宗旨:凿去多余的石块,拜托限制,阻碍做减法比做加法让心灵成长更快

  • 面对压力的笔记

    debutbox officeseize the dayself-concordancereinforce our enjoymentresolve internal conflictincrease the likelihood of successin the long termdo it better with pleasurewho coined ittrickle effectscenario  

  • 幸福是一种随机现象吗?的笔记

    IntroductionPositive psychology, the field of health psychology is in infancy.In the first lecture, Professor already gave some data suggesting that there are much more advice on how to get rid of depression than how do I pursue my strength.In China, some people claim that the pursuit of success is too tacky. That may be different from what is discussing in this lecture, the pursuit of developing one's own strength.一. Positive Health Model1. How to deal with illness.Cultivating one's strength and identifying one's passion is said to be one of the effective ways to deal with anxiety and depression.the quest is more enjoyable, meaningful and successful.positive psychology and ____are the two ways to deal with illness." We are sick because we are ill""You are ill because you are not pursuing the heathy things" It is more important to cultivate what we are about to do. Focus on one's health.This model is slightly different from traditional treatment."Courage, future-mindedness, optimism, interpersonal skill, faith, work ethic, hope, honesty, perseverance, the capacity for flow and insight, to name several"Prevent the anxiety and depression2. ResourcesThe capacity of dealing with hardness is of vital importance.Helping students to acquire the capacity by using various resources.Summary: Treatment should not only focus on fixing what is wrong but also 0n what is right.二. False stereotype1. University's positive impact2. False stereotype of American= Americans are generous.三. Premise1. Take one's own responsiblity2. Change is illusiveNature VS Nurture四. Radical Researchstudy the elites and apply it to the average population.

  • 为什么要学习积极心理学?的笔记

    the strength to admit weakness.the dominant color of the geometric shapes. the consequence of this specific focus,that is not always good it's not always helpful.  deficiencygood things do not exist in the relationship if the only question asked about is what is wrong. what are our virtuesself-respect, self-confidence, happinessWhy  depression, anxietylow self-esteemthe solution to the questionresiliencequestion creates realityto appreciate what is workingto appreciate what is goodto say thank you for something, not to take it for granted.appreciate has a second meaning, which is to grow.the economy hopefully appreciates.when we appreciate the good, the good appreciates--the good growsUnfortunately, the other side of the same coin applies as well.narcissism-daffodilis not self-confidencegrounded confidencemetaphorically speakingStavros and Torres in the wonderful book on relationships"Our experienc of the world is heaviliy infulenced by where we place our attention."the importance of understanding question Marva Collinsdiscrimination" you can make something ."concrete ceilingglass ceilingcertificate" We are going to do a lot of practice of believing in ourselves”To cultivate the strengths and the good.the last resortscorching hot in summer, yet the students are driven by the passion Every one ends up in college.it changes overnightsegment on herOvernight she became famoussecretary of Educationphilanthropist"Positive teaching"I think I am unique.When they misbehave, their punishment is they have to write 100 reasons why they are too wonderful to do what the are doing. And they have to be in an alpha order. I am adorable. I am beautiful. I am couageous. I give them the first ones until they get the hang out of it. I am delightful. I am effervescent. I am fabulous.  I am heavenly. I am idolized. I am just wonderful. I am kindred spirit. I am lovable. I am momentous. I am never, never under line. And it goes on to z. And if they do it again, then they have to use another synonym. They can't use adorable any more. Now the children will say to a new student, I don't know why you don't behave, coz I'm tired of telling Ms. Collins  how wonderful I am.    

  • 乐观主义的笔记

    1.synonym[ˈsɪnəˌnɪm]:同义词,近义词。2.archetype[ˈɑrkɪˌtaɪp]:典型,原型。3.deliberate:故意的;蓄意的;深思熟虑的;慎重的4.gorgeous[ˈɡɔrdʒəs]:华丽的,艳丽的;极好的,称心的;美丽动人的,光彩夺目的;令人愉快的,令人享受的5.conceive[kənˈsiv]:怀孕;构思;想像,设想;持有6.affluence[ˈæfluəns, əˈflu-]:富裕,富足7.intrapersonel:个人头脑中的,内心的8.monetary[ˈmɑnɪˌtɛri, ˈmʌn-]:货币的,金钱的;钱的(尤指一国的金融);金融的;财政的,财政(上)的9.resilience[rɪˈzɪljəns]:弹性;弹力;快速恢复的能力;回弹10.vulnerability[ˌvʌlnərəˈbɪləti]:弱点,攻击;易伤性;致命性;脆弱性11.efficacious[ˌɛfɪˈkeʃəs]:(药、措施等)有效的12.foretell:预言,预示13.scribe14.malleable[ˈmæliəbəl]:可锻造的,有延展性的;韧性的15.allergic[əˈlədʒɪk]:过敏的;过敏症的;对……极讨厌的16.dissidence[dɪsɪdəns]:意见不同,政见不同,异议17.discrepancy[dɪˈskrɛpənsi]:矛盾;不符合(之处)18.mantras[ˈmæntrə]:颂歌,圣歌19.envision[ɛnˈvɪʒən]:想像,预见,展望20.reconcil[ˈrɛkənˌsaɪl]:使和好,使和解;调停,排解(争端等);[宗]使(场所等)洁净;[船]使(木板)接缝平滑21.prevail[prɪˈvel]:流行,盛行;获胜,占优势;说服,劝说22.discipline[ˈdɪsəplɪn]:vt.训练;使有纪律;处罚;使有条理n.训练;纪律;学科;符合行为准则的行为(或举止)23.brutal[ˈbrutl]:野蛮的;残忍的;不讲理的;无情的24.integration[ˌɪntɪˈɡreʃən]:结合;整合;一体化;(不同肤色、种族、宗教信仰等的人的)混合25.heuristic[hjʊˈrɪstɪk]:启发式的;探试26.substitute27.optimism,passion and hard worklead to success28.vicissitude[vɪˈsɪsɪˌtud, -ˌtjud]:变迁兴衰29.session30.perseverance[ˌpə:səˈvɪrəns]:坚持不懈,不屈不挠31.vanish32.conducive33.Whatever your mind can conceive and believe ,it can achieve.34.the masses:大众35.pollyannaish:36.interpret37.catastrophe38.optimisim,passion and hard work.39.To cope ratner than avoid  

  • 逆境还是机遇?的笔记

    1.therapeutic[ˌθɛrəˈpjutɪk]:治疗(学)的,疗法的;有益于健康的2.discern[dɪˈsɚn, -ˈzɚn]:vt.看出;理解,了解;识别,辨别vi.辨明,分清3.mindset:观念模式,思维倾向,心态4.elusion:逃避,规避5.motto[ˈmɑto]:座右铭;格言;箴言;主题句6.spontaneous[spɑnˈteniəs]:自发的;自然的;天然产生的;无意识的7.variance[ˈvɛriəns, ˈvær-]:变化,变动;不一致;分歧;<数>方差8.excerpt[ˈɛkˌsɚpt]:摘录;引用;摘要;节录

  • 环境的力量的笔记

    1.marginally:勉强地2.disseminate:推广3.synergy:协同,配合,合作4.immerse:浸没,沉浸,沉迷..中,陷入5.attorney:律师6.collaboration:合作,协kənˈteidʒəs]作,通敌,勾结7.abreast[əˈbrest]:并列,并肩地;并排;不落后于8.vicious[ˈviʃəs]:邪恶的,恶毒的;有恶意的;凶猛的;有缺点的9.contagious[kənˈteidʒəs]:有传染性的;传染病的;有感染力的;会蔓延的10.vicissitude[viˈsisitju:d]:变迁兴衰11.benevolent[biˈnevələnt]:好心肠的;与人为善的;乐善好施的;慈善的12.empathy[ˈempəθi:]:同感,同情,共鸣13.depreciate[dɪˈpri:ʃi:ˌeɪt]:贬值,跌价;轻视倾向;爱好;斜坡14.inclination[ˌɪnkləˈneɪʃən]:倾向;爱好;斜坡15.perplexed[pəˈplekst]:困惑的,糊涂的;复杂的,杂乱的16.muster up:召集,振作;鼓起 ~courage17.sophisticated[səˈfɪstɪˌketɪd]:复杂的;精致的;富有经验的;深奥微妙的18.autobiography:自传19.miserable[ˈmizərəbl]:悲惨的;令人痛苦的;太少的;卑鄙的20.optimal[ˈɑptəməl]:最佳的,最优的;最理想的21.be the change you want to see in the world22.rigor[ˈrɪgə]:严格;严酷;严密23.ignite:点燃24.sensation[sɛnˈseʃən]:a.感觉;感受;知觉b.轰动;哗然

  • 什么是积极心理学?的笔记

    to find the David that inside you.The best way to learn is to teach.

  • 乐观主义的笔记

    Learn to fail or fail to learn. 那两条曲线令人印象深刻!

  • 环境的力量的笔记

    1 Teach for America2 introduce two professors3 happines is the meaning and purpose of life,the whole aim and end of human existancemoral questionHow can I talk about or act in my life,pursuing my happiness isn't that selfish?equating to selfishness and immorality is the No.1 causebut happiness is a positve sum gamebe the change you want to see in the worldpeople do what you do but what u say next lectureBelief as Self-Fulfilling PropheciesWith our thought, we make our worldPygmalion My Fair Lady       

  • 积极的环境能改变人的笔记

    1 回顾课程:change is challenging2 one person can make difference   6 degrees of seperation theorytheme of the class today is baby3 Pay it forward(1)internal factors VS external factorsthese can't change our wellbeing(2)right expectations VS wrong expectationstransformation4 human nature can be changed,can be improvedthe perimission to be humana safe space with our close friends,but not wearingnot resignation but active acceptanceAffectBehaviorCognition 

  • 幸福是一种随机现象吗?的笔记

    1 how can we get beyond the comfortably numb(舒适地麻木)quiet deseration?do we focus on weakness?focus more on strength!2help us deal with negativehave a strong psychological immune system(心理免疫系统)how to identify the passion?3moral claim           

  • 为什么要学习积极心理学?的笔记

    why we have to learn positive psychology?not everything will work on u1 importance to focus on what works2 being happy is not to deny 3prevention is more importantresilience适应力ask positive questionsappreciate your own strength and happinesslearn to improve ourselvesappreciate means to growappreciate your strength and other'sask questions1 understand the question2 Marva Collins positive learning    

  • 什么是积极心理学?的笔记

    how can I be happier?positive psychologybackgroundgranchild of humanistic psychology,humanistic psychology is essentially a reaction to the exsiting physhologies of the timeThree forcebehaviorism looks at the human entity,at the person as basically a collection of behaviors as a box but          the humanistic psychology thinks that we have cognistions(认知)and thoughts that matterthe psychoanalysis(精神分析学)is about basically understanding mostly through the subconscious.but          the humanistic value much more the human being ;give much more dignity and freedom to person2.without academic rigorHAPPINESS is much more contingent on our STATE of MIND than our status or the state of our bank account3 transformation (1) uncover potential that we have insideget rid of limitationLao Tzu,"In pursuit of knowledge every day somthing is acquired.In purisit of wisdom evryday something is dropped.”为学日益,为道日损。Common sense is not that common伏尔泰sense of confidencealways ask questionsunderstand ourselves better,identify ourselves better,we wll understand others better.  


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