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什么是积极心理学? 的笔记

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how can I be happier?

positive psychology

  1. background

granchild of humanistic psychology,humanistic psychology is essentially a reaction to the exsiting physhologies of the time

Three force

  • behaviorism looks at the human entity,at the person as basically a collection of behaviors as a box 

but          the humanistic psychology thinks that we have cognistions(认知)and thoughts that matter

  • the psychoanalysis(精神分析学)is about basically understanding mostly through the subconscious.

but          the humanistic value much more the human being ;give much more dignity and freedom to person

  1. 2.without academic rigor

HAPPINESS is much more contingent on our STATE of MIND than our status or the state of our bank account

3 transformation 

(1) uncover potential that we have inside

get rid of limitation

Lao Tzu,"In pursuit of knowledge every day somthing is acquired.In purisit of wisdom evryday something is dropped.”为学日益,为道日损。

Common sense is not that common伏尔泰

sense of confidence

always ask questions

understand ourselves better,identify ourselves better,we wll understand others better.



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