



来自Michelle's Book Club (0)

make a differencedream  v.Spare the rob, spoil the child.self-centered, egotistic, big-headed 

来自Michelle's Book Club 第二期(0)

1.serenity-serene:  peaceful,tranquil,composed;informal:together--gei it together; as cool as a cucumber(alliteration)2.distinguish:  distinguish reality from fantasy (tell...apart)  distinguish shapes in the darkness (discern, make out)  distinguish history from other disciplines: separate/set apart  

来自Michelle's Book Club 第四期-Love in the Time of Cholera(0)

~Love in the Time of  (情感上)忠贞2.alchenmy of poetry  诗歌的魔力3.heartrending=heartbreaking4.twilights  暮光,薄暮;晚期5.peaceful  相对战争、纷争而言的和平  composed  遇事不慌的镇定  tranquil  骚乱后的平静  serene  心智平静6.repentance=regret+remorse7.trail  痕迹、轨迹8.exquisite=extremely beautiful and delicate9.For two hours had been occupied by her beloved reflection  她的身影在镜子上出现了两个小时。

来自Michelle's Book Club 第五期-When You Are Old(0)

~when you are old~1.When you are old and grey and full of sleep---grey:lustreless,dull---full of sleep: weariness;peace;proximity to death2.And slowly read, and dream of the soft look. Youe eyes had once,and of their shadows deep.---slow,soft,shadow:a sense of stupor---shadows deep:a sense of the unknown and the mysterious,perhaps implying the calm retained by a person who has not experienced the bitter aspects of life or the ravages of time=innocence3.pilgrim soul:journeying soul--searching for a place of devotion, moving through life towards the final significance of death and salvation.4.and paced upon the moutains overhead, and hid his face amid a crowd of stars:suggests Yeat's romantic heartbreak, disturbed and fuddled, yet attaining the magnitude of the universe in the his feelings.

来自Michelle's Book Club 第六期-Life's Little Prayer Book Grief1(0)

1.exuberant:  an...welcome--effusive,extravagant,gushing  an...coating of mosses(苔藓)--luxuriant,lush  ...guests are dancing on the terrace--ebullient,buoyant,cheerful, energetic,vivacious,vigorous2.inquisitive:褒--curious,intrigued  贬--prying(刨根问底),probing(间接地问,涉及隐私),snooping(经常到他人家中寻隐私snoop arround other's house)--inquisitive little pest3.extol:praise enthusiastically



