

来自special time 01(0)

step 1:English in text;step2:English in thought;step3:English in action.不要把英语当作知识来学,应该把它当作交际工具来学,才可以达到速成!1、How to define things?偏正结构和正偏结构 

来自special time 02(0)

练习培养解释能力!what's love?Love is a kind of feeling existing itself between your parents!Titanic ia about love!学习同义词,近义词,反义词!

来自special time 03(0)

发音是次要的,关键在于thinking!描述:describle,narrate and illustrate!what's your point? Westerns like to focus on details.Instead of saying she is beautiful,you could say her eyes,blond hair...能深入细节就深入细节。I can't see your point. Now i see!LEAD:set out a problem ,pose a chanllegegive a surprise,introduce a situation

来自special time 04(0)

How to explain things in different ways?Lead:不宜过长!most of self-introductions do not make sense!relevent,very close related...the flow of events:deliver your message:the end:两句话之间怎么链接的问题!

来自special time 05(0)

stick to one subjecttoo many things touchedthe ending is not impressive! 

来自special time 06(0)

another skill:练习猜测能力! 

