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人的本质: 二元论与物理主义的笔记

相关课时: 笔记详情:
  1. how am i built/ what is survivial(could i not have yet died after died)------Do we survive our death?
  2. the nature of personal identitiy 
  3. Jay Rosenberg(杰 罗森伯格):不能永生
  4. Might i still exist afer bodily death
  5. mataphysics The dualist view: a person is a combination of a body and something else.(mind/soul 与肉体分离 nonphysical substance)
  6. The monist view:physicalist view: a person is just a certain kind of material object that can do something 
  7. 双向互动二元论,灵魂控制身体,身体会影响灵魂
  8. the soul is located(i don't know) myabe it is just an illusion caused by visual reasons
  9. the soul and the body is not a pait or if we destroy the body, the pair is destroyed.so i am the soul. the body is the house. you can destory the house but can't destory the human.
  10. 柏拉图plato: 论证灵魂不朽
  11. the body 可能是任一一种实体 a physical object that can do amazing think. we are bodies called people.
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