Book Club -- 英文原著读书俱乐部

Book Club -- 英文原著读书俱乐部

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Michelle's Book Club 第五期-When You Are Old的笔记

相关课时: 笔记详情:

simple words:

grey: hair, eyes, skins->lustreless, dull

full of sleep: weariness, peace, proximity to death 

slow, soft, shadows: a sense of stupor(恍惚)

the bitter aspects of life & the ravages of time

pilgrim soul: moving through life towards the final significance of death and salvation

fuddle 困惑,糊涂.

glowing 发光的,鲜艳的

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12万+浏览/ 1941学员/ 4.7评分
12万+浏览/ 2487学员/ 4.5评分
10万+浏览/ 1734学员/ 4.5评分