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  • special time 03的笔记

    如何用英文思维方式描述东西能力需要训练focus on detailsWhat's your point ?set out a problempose a challenge logical structure

  • special time 02的笔记

    improve your communication in Englishhow to explain things in simple plain Englishgo to details如何解释英语的技能

  • special time 01的笔记

    native English speakerstandard  Englishbook  thought  actionthink in Amirican Englishin simple plain Englishthe nature of the thing 

  • special time 03的笔记

    具体化  清晰化   表达pointdetails训练方法:三段式  lead(set out a problem/introduce/pose a challenge/give a surprise) the necessary background   流程(组织)   the  end 

  • special time 03的笔记

    导引:1.problem 2.challenge  3.surprise  —— necessary background内容/流程结尾

  • special time 04的笔记


  • special time 03的笔记

    重要更加有效的提高英语 简洁明了的定义自己的思维如何培养自己的解释能力按照英美人的思维方式描述出来,要训练这种能力  重点:描和述汉语 是大概; 英语是细节 重点  先做判断即说重点,再描述 分三步:第一导引,第二描述,第三结尾。

  • special time 02的笔记

    文本英语,思维中的英语,表达出来的英语如何用简介的方式表达  分层表达 重点 偏重点 界定重要部分解释能力,

  • special time 06的笔记

    主题+messagea brave dog i saw a funny thing this morning .a big ugly black dog came into our yard he barked for a while and then walked around as if he was not afraid of anything just then a small white cat ran out at him the fluffy fur on her back stood up straight the big dog gave one quick look at her then he turned and ran as fast as he could i thought he was not as brave as he appeared to be. how to guess听说读写译互译练习

    by 杨钊 0 0
  • special time 05的笔记

    define explain narrate~pet dog :     one night when i was about to goto bed ,my dog bud got into the kitchen. he saw a box of cornstarch on the shelf . he jumped and knocked it all  over himself. in the morning when i saw bud ,he was as white as a ghost.~saturday    saturday my brother tom said he would teach me to skate.so he let me take hold of a stick. then he would pull me along.once he let go of me .he thought it was fun to see me fall ,but i didn't see the joke.~ yesterday noon i saw a girl who had trouble with her car .she stopped at a street crossing.when the traffic cop signaled to go ,she couldn't start .there was a long line of cars behind her. after a while she finallly started her car .i think she was frightend to death.

    by 杨钊 0 0
  • special time 04的笔记

    引子不要过长:(必要性)(close realated)flow of events:主观时间重新构建     ~your son saved another boy;when he fall into the river ;while we went out for a walk this morning .    ~pattern:推倒;相反;同一范畴;相互关联end:解决问题;回应 the lead;    interesting   

    by 杨钊 0 0
  • special time 03的笔记

    describe narrate  illustrate强调细节 details 有内在主次结构topics练习:the lead:(necessary needed background)~set out a problem~something news.   pose a challenge   give a surprise事件流程:组织方式the end :deliver your message  

    by 杨钊 1 1
  • special time 02的笔记

    explain things in simple plain  simple english 单词学习:同义词 近义词 反义词 句子学习:拆 合 复杂简单变化

    by 杨钊 0 0
  • special time 01的笔记

    English in textEnglish in thoughtEnglish in actionthink in American English思维拨乱反正 

    by 杨钊 0 0
  • special time 06的笔记

    barked  ,walk aroundmothers tongue几个技能:猜测能力 how to guess 听说的特点是完全在实践中发生的!把房子主要结构搭建好,加上支撑的细节描述,就可以把事情描述好。

  • special time 05的笔记

    描述的时间太多,只围绕一件事情描述会更好些。ten bucks 10元描述我的一个周末:乏味不集中,事件过多不论学习英语还是国语来说,其实这样的思维逻辑方式是好的,能突触主题,不把过多的时间浪费在描述细节性上。

  • special time 04的笔记

    描述事件直接将重要的给先说明,别时间状语的放在前面,位置状语等等孩子掉河的事件描述:早上我们去散步,一个孩子掉进河里了,joe 救了那个小孩转换成:重要信息,joe 救了孩子 三个模型防止出现不知道下面说什么:逻辑验证1:第二句可以由第一个推导出来的,必须说2:第二句跟第一句是反的 对比的 反驳 否定3:一个范畴的东西A和B的关系组建 别过多的话题练习,我们一步步围绕一个话题练习熟悉。专注于一件事情,越来越细节化

  • special time 03的笔记

    两句话判断中外思维的区别:1:你的点在哪里?简洁2:我的大意是:笼统的描述 细节性思维:别泛泛而谈,直接进入细节,去形容描述你的想法,突出要点  表达point找一些素材,描述的大致三个结构:lead  引子,交代必要的背景events to describeendlogical structure  逻辑结构

  • special time 02的笔记

    如何训练能用简单明了的英语来解释事物:将几个不同的概念组合成一个解释 去解释一个不熟悉的词语 学会去用相近的东西去解释,描述

  • special time 01的笔记

    三个层次的english:1:english text2:english in thought3:english in action  实际情况中表达的东西分析很好,没有去否定现有的东西而做出其他判断 how to defin a thing?思维方式将中文思维反吊过来解释,这样便具备音美人的思维方式


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