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  • 人的本质: 二元论与物理主义的笔记

    how am i built/ what is survivial(could i not have yet died after died)------Do we survive our death?the nature of personal identitiy Jay Rosenberg(杰 罗森伯格):不能永生Might i still exist afer bodily deathmataphysics The dualist view: a person is a combination of a body and something else.(mind/soul 与肉体分离 nonphysical substance)The monist view:physicalist view: a person is just a certain kind of material object that can do something 双向互动二元论,灵魂控制身体,身体会影响灵魂the soul is located(i don't know) myabe it is just an illusion caused by visual reasonsthe soul and the body is not a pait or if we destroy the body, the pair is destroyed.so i am the soul. the body is the house. you can destory the house but can't destory the human.柏拉图plato: 论证灵魂不朽the body 可能是任一一种实体 a physical object that can do amazing think. we are bodies called people. 

  • 灵魂存在与否的论证(一)的笔记

    P-functioning body----human physicalist view: there is no extra thing, the mind, above and beyond the body.( the brain is not the mind.)Death is the end of this set of functioning.the physicalist viwe don't deny the mind(中立的soul).物理主义者不信灵魂,认为灵魂是非物质的,不能凌驾于物质的人体上。the dualist position is that the mind is a soul and the sould is something immaterial.证明五官无法察觉的事物(最佳解释推理/Inference to the best explanation):假设——解释已存在的现象——推断存在  xi假设细菌存在,细菌使人生病(微生物理论),所以细菌存在假设魔鬼存在,魔鬼使人生病,所以魔鬼存在(不是最佳解释,是可能性解释)假设灵魂(F feature)存在,灵魂使人堕入爱河(从超物理的方面解释爱为何产生),所以灵魂存在。诉诸于灵魂去解释我们的肉身的生命性力。双元论,灵魂发出身体活动指挥,物理论,认为是身体某个部分发出指令。用灵魂解释自由意志

  • 人格同一性(三):人格理论的异议的笔记

    Don't toture the person who have the self-consciousness.Self-consciousness isn't the memories.Self-consciousness comes from the brain.....Self-consciousness comes from the advanced instincts of psychology, or the brain, no matter follow the instincts of psychology either biology. Nonhuman animals have the self-consciousness.If my brain is the part of body, I want to toture the body part of me, also toture my brain. But my self-consciousness still in other's body.Self-consciousness doesn't come from the brain. Then where does it come from? Everything with self-consciousness, just ability of express?The brain always exist, but self-consciousness can be eliminate. The big different between brain, no matter advanced or not and the self-consciousness.Named the self-consciousness as ego.Single mood can develop the ability of Id. Opposite moods can develop the superego which can cause the psychological issues. Mood based on the ability of ego, which the ability of id based on the ability of ego. But id always exist which how to activate it.The psychological issues and psychological cultures both based on the ability of ego.Where does it come from?Adam fell from Heaven to the "human world". When Adam was in Heaven, no ego, no achievement, no evil.Nonhuman animals have the ego but follow the instinct of biology which can't develop the achievement that human did.Where does the ego come from?I have been prove the psychological changes cause the physical changes.The psychological changes will follow the influences of others' emotions.The changes of psychology come from the ego, at least base on ego.But the ability of ego based on the physical sences, five sences, can be removed.Important, ego doesn't have emotions, superego does!Ego only have the ability of seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting, self-consciousness.Freud only said that us have the id, ego, superego, and how do they develop. But where do they come from. None of them come from the advanced brains. One based on one others. Psychological changes based physical ability, the physical changes based psychological changes.When follow the instincts, during in the unconsciousness. For example, nonhuman animals follow the instincts of biology during unconsciousness. Human does same thing.Psychological changes based on the sueprego, the superego based on the ability of ego, the ability of ego based on the physical effect(partly), the physical changes based on the psychological changes.Self-consciousness is one of ability of the ego, but not based on the physical effect, not brain.  

    by 淡唁 0 0
  • 柏拉图 (二) :灵魂永恒与否的论证的笔记

    We won't meet "number three" itself-anywhere in the empirical world.The "beautiful" and "justice" are eternal.Absolute reference system isn't exist.The soul is fit in to the eternal Platonic forms, the ideas.Platonic is a kind of morbid state of Eastern thoughts. Separates from the entire body and soul. Everything disappear, everything turn to one.But why should Plato believe eternal life?Eternal life is afraid of death, is a mood which comes from superego.No life, no deaths.The influence of external and internal ideological thought, separate, soul, the spirtual, eastern Monk?Internal ideological thought comes from the superego, which nonhuman animals don't have.The history, the time, comes from the superego.It doesn't normally take one to know one.Eastern world take now try to reach the "without me", which is unconsciousness take place;Western take afterlife try to reach the "eteral soul", which is unconsciousness take place;As this point os view, the Western are weaker than Eastern.The truths and unidentifies, the eastern and western.At the best we know the life of atoms longer than the life of universe, even the end of universe, the atoms still exist.But the atoms are physical objects."Without me" or "Eteral soul" is the taking from the superego, the function of mood, exist forever.The different of eastern and western.Collective unconsciousness as same as the soul, the functions.             

    by 淡唁 0 0
  • 灵魂存在与否的论证(四):柏拉图(二)的笔记

    Without mind and only body, the natural soul of the unconsciousness of human.Without the brain (self-consciousness) only have the ability of seeing, hearing, touching that we have the "shape" of unconsciousness. Can we develop our society?No, probably.The superego rises up the desire, the five sences give the imformation that the "shape" of unconsciousness build up the structure of everyting.The different between the human and nonhuman animals is the ability of superego, the nonhuman aniamsl only can follow the instincts of biologyical.Imagine isn't the logically possibility, imagine isn't the reality.There are something different between the human and unhuman animals.The different between the human and unhuman animals is the ability of superego that nonhuman have the ability of  unconsciousness, just without the desire of using it that huamn have. The superego comes fromt the parents, specially the mood of the goods and bads. The mood comes from the brain because the human have the advanced braint that can developed the ability of mood and emotion. The question of soul is a question of totally Biological. There are no different between the human and unhuman animals, even the nonliving subjects that all build up with the atoms.   

    by 淡唁 0 0
  • 灵魂存在与否的论证(三):自由意志与濒死体验的笔记

    Free will come from the brain, self consciousness, unnecessary.Free will is belief of human that free will is illusion because the mind, the reasoning comes from the brain. Used of brain is unnecessary. Remember, Adam was living in Heaven without witness, that comes from the brain, the reasoning.We know we have the free will from our experiences but we can only guess with self-consciousness.From Quantum mechics, everything only with %, some may, some may not.Determinism is not true at the level of fundamental physics.That we can only say the purely physical objects can have the free will with %.From the unconsciousness, the free will and self-consciousness disappear.Even if determinism were true of us, that wouldn't rule our having free will with self-consciousness.Compatibilism, we can both follow determinism and have free will.Dream.The mystery conditions when near-death experiences.Next life?Maybe life's a bioligical process. Then we are noting different than other objects build up with atoms.First, why don't the babies have the self-consciousness, and they can develop in later life, 9 months, 12 months.Second, we can prove or deny the animals are totally same as us, Freud says, only human developed the ego and superego. But it's been mistaken, how can animals have sex and feed without knowing the ego?Third, if the organism have the ego, why don't they develop modern society, like technology, and the unconsciousness with shape. The collective unconsciousness don't work on them or the they didn't come from the genetic development?The development of unconsciousness has the shape on human that other organisms don't have, we developed our society by the unsconsciousness. What is unsconsciousness? Soul?Now we only know self-consciouness come from the brain, reasoning, thinking. That's unnecessary.The advanced brain gives us the self-consciousness that's the reasons why we have the free will. That caused the human become only animals who have the pyscology issues. If we are only following the instinct to do everything in our life without thinking and using the brain to choose which way is better. Then we don't have (need) free will anymore.Everything with waves.  

    by 淡唁 0 0
  • 柏拉图对话录《斐多篇》介绍(一),灵魂存在与否的论证(二)的笔记

    We can decide which one we believed is right.Reasoning and thinking aren't soul. The soul is self conciousness.The ability of emotion? From the brain, or the soul (heart)?Emotions come from the heart, but the mood come from the brain.The mood bulids up the superego that cause the conflict between the id and the superego. And the Psychosis at the end.The question is the superego is unnassary to ourselves. The instinct of life and death can be done without any moods.When you realize the moods, the moods gone; when you realize the emotions, the emotions keep the same.No totally "cold" person, only with emotions from the heart.The soul? The heart?The machines can see the color with frequency, but we actually see the color, no anything else.We drink coffee, hear the sound, no the chemicals substances, and no frequency.If I accume that everthing with self consciousness but only organisms can state it out. Then how about baby? Their self consciousness build up in later time. There are something still immaterials.The shape, no the detail.The shape that animals don't have and human have to develop the society and technology.Soul, the self consciousness, the shape.The self consciousness come from the brain or the heart?The brain causes the mood that causes something bad to stop the "shape".If there are mutip-timeline, the future, the past. We don't have the determinism as same as the purely physical systems.    

    by 淡唁 0 0
  • 灵魂存在与否的论证(一)的笔记

    The advanced of brain of human, the self consciousness.When the body died, the brain stop let felt self consciousness, but the self consciousness really come from the brain?If the human have the self consciousness, then the living organisms have the self consciousness. If so, all living organisms build up with atoms, then the atoms have the self consciousness, including the all objects that build up with it.The abilities that the human can do are different to self consciousness.The Toring Test states that points of view.The mind is not just BRAIN!The dead maybe the separation of mind and mind.If you are sure that you have the mind, how can you affirm I have the mind?Immaterials? Like the gravity? We can state any theories that can fit the gravity theory because the gravity is immaterials.The body? Illusion? What reasons do we have to believe in anything? How do we prove the existence of anything? The five sences?That sences can be a kind of illusion. The 2-D can be re-write in brain into 3-D, so that we feel the world is 3-D.But it's just illusion.Use something materialist to prove something immaterialist, like gravity?Inference to the best explanation, prove the something we can't see to explain something we need to explain.What is love, where does "love" come from?Physicalist can't explained the self consciousness come from the advanced brain.The self consciousness isn't the five sences. The five sences are jsut help us to show we have the self consciousness.Then we may say, the five sences are just the different between the living organisms and the nonliving stuff. Everything with self consciousness but how can we prove it with 5 sences.The many organs that maintains the work of organism are just help to build the five sences.Then what is soul? Self consciousness?Does the brain or the soul lead the body directly?If soul, must there be something outside the body that controls the body, or brain does that?The free will vs. the self consciousness?Think, the reason, to question this question about soul, free will, self consciousness.The ablities of talking, playing, moving, reasoning, questioning isn't self consciousness.Free will control by the brain that means we don't have free will anymore. That's the question about biology.Be response or NOT? Emotionally? Really?   

    by 淡唁 0 0
  • 人的本质: 二元论与物理主义的笔记

    If there are some immaterials exist after death that they must be out of body forever. In other words, there are immaterials came with me when I was alive, but it still exist when my body died.Consciousness of human and others.Once the consciousness no longer work to me that I don't feel I am exist anymore, then I am dead.Once get in "What am I in physical?", we are out of our ways.Do I have soul? Because the body just lump of flesh and bones and muscles build up with atoms. Everything make with atoms. Why only human begin to think "death".The dualist view is two basic part, soul and body.The monist view, physicalism, human is just making up with atoms. We are no differents with other stuff.Idealism: human is just soul exist, and the bodies and materials are just illusions that we fall into.The physicalist view must admit if human are just bodies, then everything has its own consciousness.My soul controls my body; my body affects my soul.Is the body just a carrier of the soul? So that when body doesn't exist anymore, the soul doesn't have any carrier anymore. But it still exist.Person is combination, the soul and body.So even if that intimate connection between the body and the soul gets destroyed, the soul can continues to exist.Are soul and body distinct.What is consciousness come from? The brain?Free consciousness of us. To think.Survive means self consciousness.Soul can't be denial and recognition.From evolution, the brain of human are advanced. But does the consciousnesss really come from advanced brain?     

    by 淡唁 0 0
  • 人的本质: 二元论与物理主义的笔记


  • 灵魂存在与否的论证(一)的笔记

    物理主义介绍 逻辑经验主义的一个分支。形成于本世纪30年代初。主要代表人物有纽拉特、卡尔纳普、费格尔和弗兰克。物理主义是逻辑经验主义者为解决可证实性原则所遇到的理论困难而提出的。依照石里克等人的经验证实原则,任何命题必须还原为经验并为经验所检验,一切不能为经验所证实的命题都是没有意义的。但是,证实原则遇到了种种理论难题,如它缺乏客观性、不能证实全称理论定律等。面对这些困难,纽拉特和卡尔纳普把视线转向构造新型的语言上,从而提出了物理主义(Physi-calism)的解决方案。 依照卡尔纳普的说法,物理主义的意思是,科学语言中的每一个摹状词都与那些标志事物的可观察的特性的词汇相联系。由于这种联系一个使用有关词汇的语句,是人们可以借助观察加以验证的。所以,物理主义的中心问题是选择和构造语言的问题,其主要任务是选择某种形式语言,这种语言既是人工的,又是经验论的。它是制定出一系列说话规则的系统。形成规则和变形规则是系统中的两个基本规则,借助于这两个基本规则,可以把原始谓词变成可观察的东西,其他谓词则可还原为原始谓词;并且所有复合语句在系统中都不会超出可验证的范围。所以,要检验一个综合命题是否有效,就是看它是否属于这个经验论语言。纽拉特和卡尔纳普等人选择物理语言作为经验论语言。他们认为,物理语言的特点在于它从时空和定量的方面来描述对象,具有客观性和主体间性,其他各门科学的语言在译成物理语言之后,就可由经验来检验。在物理主义者看来,以物理语言作为新的意义标准能够克服经验证实原则所遇到的种种困难,也有助于解决科学知识的基础及各门科学之间的联系问题,进而达到建立统一科学的目的。 物理主义作为逻辑经验主义的一个小派别,其代表人物的观点并不一致,即使同一人物的观点前后之间也有较大的变化。物理主义者虽然在科学语言的分析方面取得一定的成就,但它仍然没有摆脱逻辑经验主义的主观唯心论立场,它根本无法挽救经验证实原则的破产,也无法达到真正统一科学的目的,它把哲学变成语言句法分析的做法也是错误的。

    by 遁途 1 1


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