逻辑经验主义的一个分支。形成于本世纪30年代初。主要代表人物有纽拉特、卡尔纳普、费格尔和弗兰克。物理主义是逻辑经验主义者为解决可证实性原则所遇到的理论困难而提出的。依照石里克等人的经验证实原则,任何命题必须还原为经验并为经验所检验,一切不能为经验所证实的命题都是没有意义的。但是,证实原则遇到了种种理论难题,如它缺乏客观性、不能证实全称理论定律等。面对这些困难,纽拉特和卡尔纳普把视线转向构造新型的语言上,从而提出了物理主义(Physi-calism)的解决方案。 依照卡尔纳普的说法,物理主义的意思是,科学语言中的每一个摹状词都与那些标志事物的可观察的特性的词汇相联系。由于这种联系一个使用有关词汇的语句,是人们可以借助观察加以验证的。所以,物理主义的中心问题是选择和构造语言的问题,其主要任务是选择某种形式语言,这种语言既是人工的,又是经验论的。它是制定出一系列说话规则的系统。形成规则和变形规则是系统中的两个基本规则,借助于这两个基本规则,可以把原始谓词变成可观察的东西,其他谓词则可还原为原始谓词;并且所有复合语句在系统中都不会超出可验证的范围。所以,要检验一个综合命题是否有效,就是看它是否属于这个经验论语言。纽拉特和卡尔纳普等人选择物理语言作为经验论语言。他们认为,物理语言的特点在于它从时空和定量的方面来描述对象,具有客观性和主体间性,其他各门科学的语言在译成物理语言之后,就可由经验来检验。在物理主义者看来,以物理语言作为新的意义标准能够克服经验证实原则所遇到的种种困难,也有助于解决科学知识的基础及各门科学之间的联系问题,进而达到建立统一科学的目的。 物理主义作为逻辑经验主义的一个小派别,其代表人物的观点并不一致,即使同一人物的观点前后之间也有较大的变化。物理主义者虽然在科学语言的分析方面取得一定的成就,但它仍然没有摆脱逻辑经验主义的主观唯心论立场,它根本无法挽救经验证实原则的破产,也无法达到真正统一科学的目的,它把哲学变成语言句法分析的做法也是错误的。
The advanced of brain of human, the self consciousness.
When the body died, the brain stop let felt self consciousness, but the self consciousness really come from the brain?
If the human have the self consciousness, then the living organisms have the self consciousness. If so, all living organisms build up with atoms, then the atoms have the self consciousness, including the all objects that build up with it.
The abilities that the human can do are different to self consciousness.
The Toring Test states that points of view.
The mind is not just BRAIN!
The dead maybe the separation of mind and mind.
If you are sure that you have the mind, how can you affirm I have the mind?
Immaterials? Like the gravity? We can state any theories that can fit the gravity theory because the gravity is immaterials.
The body? Illusion? What reasons do we have to believe in anything? How do we prove the existence of anything? The five sences?
That sences can be a kind of illusion. The 2-D can be re-write in brain into 3-D, so that we feel the world is 3-D.
But it's just illusion.
Use something materialist to prove something immaterialist, like gravity?
Inference to the best explanation, prove the something we can't see to explain something we need to explain.
What is love, where does "love" come from?
Physicalist can't explained the self consciousness come from the advanced brain.
The self consciousness isn't the five sences. The five sences are jsut help us to show we have the self consciousness.
Then we may say, the five sences are just the different between the living organisms and the nonliving stuff. Everything with self consciousness but how can we prove it with 5 sences.
The many organs that maintains the work of organism are just help to build the five sences.
Then what is soul? Self consciousness?
Does the brain or the soul lead the body directly?
If soul, must there be something outside the body that controls the body, or brain does that?
The free will vs. the self consciousness?
Think, the reason, to question this question about soul, free will, self consciousness.
The ablities of talking, playing, moving, reasoning, questioning isn't self consciousness.
Free will control by the brain that means we don't have free will anymore. That's the question about biology.
Be response or NOT? Emotionally? Really?
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