

4 (17人评价)
  • 【TED演讲集】攀岩中体会到的9个生命感悟的笔记

    1.不要放弃2.别犹豫3.have a plan4.the move is the end5.know how to rest6.fear sucks 恐惧是很糟糕,不能顾虑后果7.opposites are good 反压力8.strength no success9.know how to let go 如何撤退

  • 【TED演讲集】一种更宽容更温和的成功哲学的笔记

    我们生活在一个事业恐慌的时代势力是个全球新问题,势力是什么、  是以一小部分的你 ,来判别你的全部价值我们想要的不是物质,而是背后的情感反馈嫉妒来自生而平等的精神功绩主义:功绩主义相信,如果你有才能,精力和技术,你就能飞黄腾达,没有什么能阻止你。每个人的地位都显示他的能力,我认为这种想法太疯狂了以社会地位评价人是一种罪确实他失败了 ,却不是一个失败者

  • 【TED演讲】Elizabeth Pisani:性交,毒品,HIV——让我们理智起来的笔记


  • 【TED演讲集】成年人能从孩子那里学到什么的笔记

    如历史所证 政权往往会在担心难以实施控制时变得暴虐极权主义:某一人或政党、特定群体以独裁的方式垄断政权。一切决策、政治权力、经济政策皆由独裁者所掌控,没有第二人或是政党可以分享其权力(例如:纳粹德国)世界上现有的问题不应该像传家宝那样在人类家族中流传下去

  • 【TED演讲集】一种更宽容更温和的成功哲学的笔记

    势力是以一小部分的你来判别你的全部价值,那就是势力。 我并不认为我们特别看重物质 ,而是活在一个物质能带来大量情感反馈的时代,我们想要的不是物质,而是背后的情感反馈。功绩主义 ,也就是相信每个人的地位忠实呈现他的能力。圣奥古斯丁在 上帝之城 里的一句话  以社会地位评价人是一种罪。 

  • 【TED演讲集】乔纳森·克雷恩:改变世界的照片的笔记

    The Holocaust teaches us that nature,  even in its cruelest moments, is benign in comparison with man, when he loses his moral compass and his reason.大屠杀告诫我们,与道德沦丧且失去理智的人们相比即使是最残暴的大自然都显得仁慈很多。

  • 【TED演讲集】丝德茜·克莱默:我得过的最好礼物的笔记


  • 【TED演讲集】本世纪最大的不公平的笔记


  • 【TED演讲集】成年人能从孩子那里学到什么的笔记


  • 【TED演讲集】乔纳森·克雷恩:改变世界的照片的笔记

    we're naive,we are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.我们很天真,很不知天高地厚。bright-eyed and bushy-tailed adj.形容人充满了兴趣和激情。they're best described as iconic,它们被视为经典之作so iconic,perhaps they're cliches.相当经典,或许有人觉得已经过时了。clichecliche  [ˈkli:ʃei]n.陈词滥调,陈腐的思想we're looking for images that shine an uncompromising light on crucial issues,我们找的是在关键问题上表达坚定立场的图片images have power to shed light of understanding on suspicion ,ignorance,and in particular ----I've givem a lot of talks on this让多疑和不知情的人们产生理解之情images often push us to question our core beliefs and our responsibilities to each other 照片经常让我们反思自己的核心信念以及人与人之间彼此的责任。it's not the photographer who makes the photo,it's you.创作的不是摄影师,而是诸位。we bring to each image our own values ,our own belief systems,and as a result of that,the image resonates with us.我们带着不同的价值观念与信念去看每一张图片,从而,图片与我们产生共鸣。 

  • 【TED演讲集】谈反对性奴隶的抗争的笔记


  • 【TED演讲集】丝德茜·克莱默:我得过的最好礼物的笔记

    adoration and admiration wil overwhelm you.爱与赞美会充盈你身(字幕译本)It will recalibrate what's important in your life.      calibrate v.量.....口径,校准 技术用语3.  you'll have unsurpassed vitality and energy.你会拥有无与伦比的生命力和能量。4.  you'll eat countless gourmet meals.你将享用无尽的佳肴。gourmet food美味 adj&n 美食家 注意发音 [ˈguəmei]5. so the next time you are faced with something that's unexpected ,unwanted and uncertain,consider that it just may be a gift.  

  • 【TED演讲集】本世纪最大的不公平的笔记

    vicious circle 恶性循环      virtuous circle良性循环ok,let me take a poll.让我们举手表决。if your're not fully utilizing half the talent in the country ,you're not get too close to the top ten.                                  -----Bill Gatesdisposable adj. 一次性的,用完即扔的Dystocia mortality 难产死亡率maternal mortality孕产妇死亡率it may well be that the highest return on the investment in the development world is in girls' education .----Larry Summersindividuals can make difference.because individuals together we can all help creat a movement. it's what we need that brings about social changes.changes that could address this moral challenge.once you have all your material needs,there are very few things in your life that can elevate your level of happiness.one of those things is contributing things to cause larger than yourself.and she realized that it's a great fortune to be born in a country where we take security for granted,we were not only can feed cloth and house ourselves,but also provide for wild birds so they don't get hungry in the winter.and she realized that with that great fortune ,comes great responsibility.and so like her ,you ,me ,we all won that lottery of live,and so the question become how do we discharge that responsibility.


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