



1万+浏览/ 871学员/ 4.5评分
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1万+浏览/ 699学员/ 4评分
1万+浏览/ 319学员/ 4.3评分
9805浏览/ 502学员/ 4.8评分


来自Ask for Help-寻求帮助(0)

1、Q:what's the weather like today?A:Its rainy/sunny and cold.2、Q:what do you do when you are in trouble?A:I will ask for help when I am in trouble.3Q:what are you going to do this weekend?A:I want to buy a new coat.have fun shopping4\Q:Did you ever get lost in a strange city?what did you do?A:I asked a policeman for direction.visit my friendpay a visit to sb.5、are you willing to ask for help.I'm willing to help you/buy a gift/present for you.6\introuble----ask for help.get lost -----ask for direction.问路strong sense of direction.方向感bad sense of direction.7、how are you going to approach the passer-by?I will approach the person slowly,ask the question politely.8、公共场合shopping center/shopping mall 大型购物中心how often do you go to the shopping mallonce a month/a yearcinema/movie theater电影院do you prefer to watch movies in the movie theater or at home?prefer to watch movidstadium 大型露天运动场football stadiumgo to a game 看运动场a universityI prefer to live at home than at a hotel.fast-foodunhealthy excuse me.can you please tell me how to get to the train ststion.how can I get to the train station


topic----express emotions and states of being happy hungry/upset.---At the gratuation ceremonyfeel excited when I am at a gratuation ceremony----go bungee jumpingfeel scared ----go skiing滑雪feel tired----someone proposes to you求婚feel sweet and happy----have a baby生小孩get married 结婚expectant 期待的----different moodshave a fever/a headachefeel hungry/surprised/excited.-----Are you all rightI feel boredwould you like to go shopping with mesure.I will.Lets go!--I am tired why dont you lie down---I am hungrywhy dont  you have a sandwith?there is some cheese in the fridge.OKdesk 办公桌、课桌table 茶几餐桌thats great/perfect.no off.无休息feel exhausted.be drunk.non stop 不停的 feel down/blue stand me up 让我空等,放我鸽子Did anyone ever stand you up?yes , someone did.make it .gotcha = I understandcha =ya :yousee ya :see you 再见miss ya:miss yalove ya:love yaostay away from fat food远离高脂肪事物so moody;喜怒无常    

来自Overseas call-如何打电话(0)

topic----study/live/work overseas  

