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来自American English Pronunciation--s5. L(0)

#L#:①Mouth Open & Jaw Down;②Tongue Rise Up & Push behind teeth;③Drop & Relax Tongue.     #FL#Blends=F+L:"F" push the "L" rising.Practise:"A flea and a fly flew up in the flue.  Said the flea, 'Let us fly!'Said the fly,'Let us flee!'So they flew through a flaw in the flue.""Will":Keep mouth open&jaw down&tongue rise up. #L & R# pair words:Red & Led ;Rick & Lick; Reef & Leaf;Rear&Lear;Rest&Less; Grass &Glass;Crime&Clime;Free&Flee. L&R Combinations:seal ring ;toll road; already; civil right ;rail road; rivalry; coral reef; jewelry; school room; gravel road. 

来自American English Pronunciation--s6._Word_Endings.U(0)

Word EndingsCommon Mistakes:Ⅰ.Drop off the last sound in a word,like:B P T D ,IT'S WRONG!Don't Drop Off The Endings!Ⅱ.Ending with #ED# 3Rules:清清(t)浊浊(d)元浊(id)eg:Lift→(Lifted:/~di:d/) #NG# 3鼻音:M N NGRing Sing Walking(~k+鼻音:不连音!)  

来自American English Pronunciation--s7.Pronunounce_wor(0)

#CH#   #J#  #H#Ⅰ.#CH# Unvoiced清音Chop-chop Children.It's Charlie's Kitchen Adventure.Today,Chuck will be teaching future champion cooks how to make a chocolate cheesecake.Ⅱ.#J#Always Voiced(浊音) J & GMajesty; Educate; Sug(断开)gestion.“A German judge and jury have charged and jailed a strange giant,who sat on the edge of a bridge throwing jelly onto large barges.”Ⅲ.#H#  Loud Airstream:HHHHHAH & wh"Henry the hungry hippo,who hogged a huge heap of the one hundred hamburgers has had hiccups for one whole week.  

来自American English Pronunciation--s8.Pronunounce_Wo(0)

A E I O U15 Vowel Sounds,Some 10different spellingsSize,Shape&Tension of muscles in your Mouth,Tongue,&Lips.Ear Training:Front Vowels:(high→low)  eg: EE   I    AE   EH   A       Heat Hit Hate Het Hat    &Back Vowels:(high→low)    eg:OO    Uh   Oh     Aw    Ah       Boot  Book Boat Bought BotPaired Words:Heat Hit ;Keen Kin; Deal Dill; Seek Sick; Seen Sin;Reap Rip ;Teal Till;Bean Beendouble"e":#ee#:mostly /i:/high up;but Been/i/(low down)EE(high):Feed ,Seen ,BeanSee, Me ,Each, Even, Key,Green, tree, very, happy, softly, Mary, busy, finally, country,Speeding on the freeway.Happily eating cheese.He and she skiing very rapidly.Paragraph:She sees a monkey eating honey.We see a pony stealing money.Who can he see?It must be me!/i/(low down):Hit ,bit ,bill ,lift ,fizz ,kitchen ,build ,bigger ,chimp ,fifth ,listen ,business ,fist ,display ,filming ,live ,fish ,discuss ,fig ,fifty ,been.EE & i Practise Sentences: He hit the baseball, and felt the heat.

