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来自【酷“艾”英语】2012末日与否 我们从容面对(0)

freak you outI'm freaked out chill outdivert your attentioncopycatrest breeds rustreading is to the mind what exercise is to the bodycombination of exercise and readingIf you upset recently, the cherish what you already havefrom today on, look at everything as though you were seeing it for the first for the fortune and fameeveryone I met and everything i touched became a bit better because of you.


Are the mayans reliable?Cult I feel uneasy about it.Spread the rumorcreat panicruomors stops at those that are wittyfinalsdeadlineI am overwhelmedannual reportDon't chicken outpositive energyrip it upbe proactive 主动积极circle of concern 关注圈something we have no real control overcircle of influencesomething we can changeI am more than willing but lacking the power to change it?The secret of being miserable is to have  leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. Give the courage to change the things which can and ought to be changed, the serenity to accept the things which cannot be changed, and the wisdom to know the is too fragileworld is too crazyseize the day 

来自【酷“艾”英语】论切糕学英语——Yo~Yo~Check-out (0)

I am loadedovernight millionaireA diamond is foreverxinjiang nut cakeI never take it offensive as long as you know where to draw the linesell by forcedeceive and rip off the customersjustifycondemn them stronglya black sheepruin everybody's reputationyou are what you choose to bemake sweeping generalizations generalizeone swallow does not make a summerHuman instinctdiscriminationcritical thinkingpublic education and a free press were essential to a democratic nation.-Thomas Jefferson

