



其他运动 羽毛球实用技术
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其他运动 六字诀健身
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慢点说有很多好处,可以提前调整口型,调整舌头的位置,使每个词都能发出长的元音9个具体位置(最好自己照个镜子看下,带上手势)AEIOU   answer.offer.in.upBMP      best.mention.patientCKG      can.kick.goneDJNT     duck.justice.nice.timeFV        fast.veryH          hasL          long.lucky.lieW         whyTH        this.that   

来自句子练习Practice Sentences(1)

1.My friend sat therelooking out the windowat the incredible blue sky. He had been brought up in Los Angelesand never rememberedseeing anything as beautiful. He tuned to me with a look on his face that i will never forget 2.The police were chasingthis car that waszooming down the highwayat over 120 k's an hour. Their sirens were scraming.I almost didn't have timeto get out of the way. It seems to me thatthere must be a better way of apprehending guys like thatputting people like me in danger is not my cup of tea. 3.Why dose my sister love Mozart so much.I see her sitting in her chairwith her earphones onand a huge simle on her face. She adores the symphoniesand piano concertos. 4.When the tv show came on I was amazed at how quicklyJames was completely absorbedin the program.I could have set off a time bombright there in th'living room.His dead wishes he had the same concentration when it comes to his school work. 5.My daughter and son called me last night.It was such a beautiful chance to let them know how much I love and miss them.It's so difficult when they're so far away but I've learned in life that sometimes in life things don't always turn out the way you want.   


AEIOU60%张嘴~~answer ending in offen underAny offort is often up. BMP闭嘴best mention patientBanks make huge profits. CKG喉部发音(感觉不太准确),张嘴20%can kick goneCance kills many great people.  DJNT舌头斜上45度Does John never ever get tired?   


the five main steps to foreign accent reduction1.speak more slowly-speak one word at a time2.put your tongue and lips in the exact positon-the digital position.hode it in position and keep your mouth relaxed before you say each word3.take in air-gently take in air through your mouth or nose 4.force out air-do it on each word.like hitting the beginning of each word5.elongate the main vowel of each word.the magic part of the system

