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如何画嘴唇 How to Draw Lips - Step by Step的笔记

相关课时: 笔记详情:
  1. The Lay-in(start with the land marks;find the width and angle the lips by the indicating the corners;find the center line of the lips,it helps find the top of the dubicle and the bottom of the )
  2. Two Value(光源的确定,确定方法:投影,高光位置。主光源形成的阴影,)
  3. Full Value /Dark Accents(总出现在,along the cries,core shadows,转角下嘴唇下方的阴影.When definding the cries,make sure think about the  overlaping forms,and vary the line way . So it doesn't just looks like the outline.  )
  4. Halftones & Highlights(Once you start to making your halftones dark , double check to make sure the shadows are significantly darker. So your halftones don't looks like the shadows.嘴角豌豆形阴影,上嘴唇上和鼻子下方也使用Halftone。下嘴唇阴影的边缘也是半调的。最后,添加第二光源产生的光影。)
  5. Clean Up Edges &Shapes
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