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相关课时: 笔记详情:

go ahead, please.请继续下去
go straight ahead.向前一直走
come in, please. 请进
sit down, please. 请坐
don't get up. 别起身了
do you hear? 你听明白了吗?
if you please.如果你愿意的话
in my book. 依我的观点
so do I. 我也一样
one final word.最后一句
mum's the word.别告诉别人
it's really wonderful.真是太妙了
where're you from?你是哪里人?
who are you? 你是谁?
where are you? 你在哪里?
what's her job?她从事什么职业?
I don't care. 我不在乎
I don't know. 我不知道
I was shopping. 我在购物
I was swimming. 我在游泳
are you hungry? 你饿了吗?
are you sleepy? 你想睡了吗?
let's go see. 让我们去看看
what's that mean? 那是什么意思?
I won it. 我赢了
it's too late. 太迟了
what a coincidence! 多么巧合
that looks good. 那很好看
you think so? == do you think so? 你认为是吗?
I think so. == I guess so. 我想是的
I hope so. 但愿如此
do you remember? 你还记得吗?
I forgot it. 我忘了
I told you. 我告诉过你
I'm telling you. 我来告诉你
you don't say. 你不必说了
don't tell me. 不要告诉我
don't do that. 不要做那事
don't say that. 不要说那事
you promised me. 你答应过我
I trust you. 我相信你
never give up. 永不放弃
I'll see you. 我会来看你的
I'll write you. 我会写信给你的
I'll contact you. 我会跟你联络的
I'll show you. 我会指给你的
leave me alone. 让我静一下
time is up. 时间到了
are you ready? 你准备好了吗?
it doesn't matter. 没有关系
I've found it. 我已经找到了
I've done it. 我已经做过了
here you are. 给你
it's for you. 这个是给你的
how's your family? 你的家人好吗?

I like you. 我稀饭你
I miss you. 我想你
I dislike you. 我不喜欢你
I love you. 我爱你
I'm not angry. 我不生气
I'm not happy. 我不高兴
that's very funny. 好有趣欧
that's no secret. 没有什么秘密的
how about you? 你认为呢?
sometimes you win. 有时你赢
sometimes you lose. 有时你输
you were right. 你没有错
I was wrong. 是我错了
no school today. 今天没课
see you later. 一会见
wait a minute == just a minute. 等一会
along the way. 沿着这条路走
this way, please. 这边请
follow me, please. 跟我来
for example / for instance 举个栗子
get off here. 在这里下车
house for rent 房屋出租
house for sale 房屋出售
pay by the month 按月付
pay by the year 按年付
don't hang up. 不要挂断
leave a message. 留话
long distance call 长途电话
to give change 找钱
keep the change 不用找
to make (earn) money 赚钱
to lose money 赔钱
to do business 做生意
open on weekends. 周末营业
closed on Mondays. 周一休息
one-way ticket 单程车票
round-trip ticket 来回车票
eternal happiness 永远快乐
eternal good fortune 永远幸福
A lifetime companion 终生伴侣
I've no idea. 我不清楚
help yourself, please. 随便用
it smells good. 味道很好
A simple meal 便餐
A great feast 大餐
I've had enough. 我吃饱了
let's have lunch. 我们吃午饭吧

Happy time:
A thief with a long record was brought before the judge.在法官面前的小偷前科累累。
have you ever stolen? 你以前偷窃过吗
now and then. 偶尔
where have you stolen things?你都在哪里偷过东西?
oh, here and there. 哦,到处。
lock him up, officer. 把他铐起来,警官。
hey! when do I get out of jail? 嘿! 我什么时候可以出狱?
oh, sooner or later. 哦,迟早



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