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  1. 看似依赖于纸质媒体的漫画目前正受到科技发展的挑战,但是漫画的力量远非逗笑而已,它不抗衡科技,而是与科技一道推动社会进步,化解隔阂与仇恨。
  2. the world has gotten smaller it is beacause of techonology.
  3. I know the world is flat now.Internet has reached every corners of the world.The internet has enpowered us.The internet has changed the world.It has rocked the music industry ,it has changed the way we consume music.We used to go the store to steal it.And it has changed your future employer the way to look your occupation.So be careful with your facebook account.and techonology has set it free.Wifi ,it does liberate us from these office desks.In short,the techonology,the internet,they have changed our life style.and techology has even change our relationship to god.
  4. Cartoon can be used as weapons.History tells us they had  been used by Nazi to offend Jews.And here we are now,in the united nations half of the world is pushing to punish the offend to religions.Well,the other part of the world is fighting back for defense the freedom of speech.So the clash of civiliazation is here ,cartoons are in the middle of it.These got me thinking
  5. There can be issues of their coutry in cartoons,show the positive power of cartoon.It is a great means of communication.Cartoons can cross borders.Humor is a good way to address severe issues.
  6. Preaching for freedom of speech is easy here,but as you have seen,in context of reppression and division,what can a cartoonist do?He has to keep his job.Well, I believe in any context,any world ,you always have the choice at least not to do a cartoon that could feed the hatred,and that's the message I tried convey to them.I think we all always have the choice in the end not to do the bad thing.But we need to support these criticial and responsible voices in Africa ,in lebanon,in your local newspaper,on the apple store. For dictators all over the world the good news is when cartoonist,journalists and activitists shut up.
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