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they work long hard hours' job they hate,to buy things they don't need,to impress people they don't like.

my contention is work on friday in jeans and t-shirts isn't get to the nevigation.

the second observation i'd like to shareto face the truth:that government and corporations aren't going to solve this issue for us.just not looking outside.as individuals,to take control and resposibility for the tack of life that we want to lead.If you don't design your life,someone else will design it for you .and you may not like their idea to follow it.it's particularly important,you never put your quality of life in the hands of commercial corporation.we have to be responsible for setting and enforcing the boundary we want our life.

third obserbation is we have to be careful with time form that we choose upon which we judge our balance.


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2万+浏览/ 59学员/ 3.5评分
2万+浏览/ 162学员/ 4.8评分
2万+浏览/ 231学员/ 4.5评分