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263个成员 1419个话题 创建时间:2012-05-27


发表于 2013-06-04 14079 次查看


根据 http://stackoverflow.com/badges 页整理出来的,供想要快速了解一下的同学看


    Archaeologist: Edited 100 posts that were inactive for 6 months

    Citizen Patrol: First flagged post

    Cleanup: First rollback

    Copy Editor: Edited 500 posts

    Deputy: Raised 80 helpful flags

    Disciplined: Deleted own post with score of 3 or higher

    Editor: First edit

    Excavator: Edited first post that was inactive for 6 months

    Marshal: Raised 500 helpful flags

    Organizer: First retag

    Peer Pressure: Deleted own post with score of -3 or lower

    Proofreader: Approved or rejected 100 suggested edits

    Research Assistant: Edited 50 tag wikis

    Strunk & White: Edited 80 posts
    斯特伦克和怀特(风格的要素作者)(银) 编辑80个以上的帖子

    Synonymizer: First approved tag synonym

    Tag Editor: First Tag Wiki Edit

    Taxonomist: Created a tag used by 50 questions

    Civic Duty: Voted 300 or more times

    Commentator: Left 10 comments

    Critic: First down vote

    Electorate: Voted on 600 questions and 25% or more of total votes are on questions

    Enlightened: First to answer and accepted with at least 10 upvotes

    Famous Question: Asked a question with 10,000 views

    Favorite Question: Question favorited by 25 users

    Generalist: Provided non-wiki answers of 15 total score in 20 of top 40 tags
    全才(银)回答在Top 40的标签中的任意20个的相关问题, 并得到15分以上的总分

    Good Answer: Answer score of 25 or more

    Good Question: Question score of 25 or more

    Great Answer: Answer score of 100 or more

    Great Question: Question score of 100 or more

    Guru: Accepted answer and score of 40 or more

    Investor: First bounty you offered on another person's question

    Legendary: Earned 200 daily reputation 150 times

    Necromancer: Answered a question more than 60 days later with score of 5 or more

    Nice Answer: Answer score of 10 or more

    Nice Question: Question score of 10 or more

    Notable Question: Asked a question with 2,500 views

    Popular Question: Asked a question with 1,000 views

    Populist: Highest scoring answer that outscored an accepted answer with score of more than 10 by more than 2x

    Promoter: First bounty you offered on your own question

    Reversal: Provided answer of +20 score to a question of -5 score

    Reviewer: 1000 reviews, over 200 actioned

    Revival: Answered more than 30 days later as first answer scoring 2 or more

    Scholar: Asked a question and accepted an answer

    Self-Learner: Answered your own question with score of 3 or more

    Sportsmanship: Up voted 100 competing answers

    Stellar Question: Question favorited by 100 users

    Student: Asked first question with score of 1 or more

    Suffrage: Used 30 votes in a day

    Supporter: First up vote

    Teacher: Answered first question with score of 1 or more

    Tenacious: Zero score accepted answers: more than 5 and 20% of total

    Tumbleweed: Asked a question with no votes, no answers, no comments, and low views for a week
    风滚草(铜)提出一个问题,在一周内没有投票,没有回答,没有评论,也没几个人看 ...

    Unsung Hero: Zero score accepted answers: more than 10 and 25% of total

    Vox Populi: Used the maximum 40 votes in a day

    Altruist: First bounty you manually awarded on another person's question

    Benefactor: First bounty you manually awarded on your own question

    Analytical: Visited every section of the FAQ

    Announcer: Shared a link to a question that was visited by 25 unique IP addresses

    Autobiographer: Completed all user profile fields

    Beta: Actively participated in the private beta

    Booster: Shared a link to a question that was visited by 300 unique IP addresses

    Convention: 10 posts with score of 2 on meta
    习俗(铜)在Stackoverflow Meta站发表10个2分的帖子

    Enthusiast: Visited the site each day for 30 consecutive days

    Epic: Earned 200 daily reputation 50 times

    Fanatic: Visited the site each day for 100 consecutive days

    Mortarboard: Earned at least 200 reputation in a single day

    Outspoken: Posted 10 messages in chat that were starred by 10 different users

    Precognitive: Followed the Area 51 proposal for this site before it entered the commitment phase
    先知(铜)在Area 51中, 在一个子站的提议被通过之前就开始关注

    Publicist: Shared a link to a question that was visited by 1000 unique IP addresses

    Pundit: Left 10 comments with score of 5 or more

    Quorum: One post with score of 2 on meta

    Talkative: Posted 10 messages, with 1 or more starred, in chat

    Yearling: Active member for a year, earning at least 200 reputation
    一周年(银)一年内都是活跃成员, 而且赚到了200个以上的荣誉值

  • 2楼 cloudyLi 2013-06-04



