美式口语 加入小组

743个成员 1451个话题 创建时间:2011-12-06


发表于 2012-04-12 2022 次查看

1.big shot 大人物,大亨

He is a big shot in our little town.在我们小镇里,他是个大人物。

2.black sheep 败家子,害群之马

Every family has a black sheep.家家有本难念的经。

3.black and blue 遍体鳞伤

The thief was caught of red-handed(正在作案的) and beaten black and blue.那个小偷当场被抓住并被打得青一块紫一块的。

4.black and white 白纸黑字

The proof is in black and white and the murderer has no any excuses.证据确凿,凶手再也无话可说。

5.blind alley 死胡同

You are heading into a blind alley.你正在钻牛角尖。

6.blow hot and cold 摇摆不定

This guy seemed to have no own idea.He always blew hot and cold.这家伙好象没什么主张,总是摇摆不定。

7.blow one's own trumpet 自吹自擂

Don't blow your own tumpet.Let us see what on earth you can do.不要自吹自擂了,让我们看看你到底能做什么。

8.born with a silver in one's mouth 出生在富贵人家

He is born with a silver in one's mouth.他是含着金钥匙出生的。

9.brand new 崭新的

a brand new coat 新衣服

10.break the ice 打破沉默 (想起了素拓的第一个项目就是破冰,那会儿还觉得真是贴切啊,看到这个,我顿时就明白了)

The couple hadn't spoken to each other for a week.They were both waiting for the other one to break the ice.这对夫妇已经一个星期没说过话了。两人都在等另一方先开口。

11.by a blow 无意中的一击

He is beaten to the ground by a blow.他被击到在地。
