Roberto, why do you bring sweater to Mexico city? It's summer then, so it's really hot, right?
It's uaually hot in the day, but sometime at night, it's chilly.
How about this business suit, isn't a vacation?
I have a big meeting on Tuesday, so I bring in the suit. But after Tuesday, it's vacation time.
Whom is the book for?
It's for Maria, my niece. She's ten years old.
Ten? You should get something more have fun, like video game.
Maria is young, but she likes books, she is really smart.
Oh. What about this? Is this hers too?
Oh, that? That belongs to my dad, the souvenir for his new york visit. But he forgot it. Do you think I should get him another present?
Nop, that already belongs to him.
Hey, you should get him a new york T-shirt or maybe a 洋基队's cap?
先写到这吧~ 我姐姐店里实在不是给听写的好地方~ 不过,说不定是好地方呢~