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【29th May】McDonald's 'Italianised' menu

发表于 2013-05-29 4473 次查看

McDonald's 'Italianised' menu: the future of fast food?

As we discovered last week in Italy, the company likes to to localise its menu. Can global chains 'do' regional specialities?

McDonald's staff members serve hamburgers at their fast food restaurant downtown Milan
A McDonald's restaurant in Milan. Photograph: Reuters

Local, regional and artisan: these words have all become a part of our modern culinary vocabulary. They are choices that are made for a number of reasons – belief in authenticity, and the feelgood factor of supporting a local producer. And eating a regional specialty means taking part in the local culture.

There was a time when you didn't "choose to eat local", you just did it, because that was simply all there was. In today's globalised world with easy access to international products, returning to our local roots has become a big trend. It's no wonder the food industry sees an opportunity – which is why we now have big brands grabbing hold of regional specialties.

Last week McDonald's joined forces with Italian pasta brand Barilla; not exactly small scale, but a company that has been in the same family for four generations. The partnership is allowing McDonald's to "Italianise" its menu: branches of McDonald's in Italy will now serve up a pennette pasta salad, identified as "a balanced and skilful mix of tuna, tomatoes, peppers, capers and olives, seasoned with a pinch of oregano and salt". That's a far cry from a Big Mac. And in a country that's known for its regional – and often slow – cuisine, the deal might raise some eyebrows. But in the world of locavorism, that type of partnership makes economic sense.

In fact, the move to regionalise its menu isn't McDonald's first such effort. In Hong Kong you can get a "Shogun" burger with teriyaki sauce and cabbage, in some Gulf states a McArabia chicken on flatbread, an "Aussie" menu for its Australian crowd, and in France the global burger chain sells macarons – the perfect dessert to round off your cheeseburger lunch?

And McDonald's isn't alone. Domino's also offers special options for its Asian customers, Argentinians get a specialised Burger King Whopper called criollo, using chimichurri sauce and cheese instead of mayonnaise, and there are paneer-filled fajitas at Taco Bell in India.

In some cases the big chains may pull this off, but – no matter how hard you try – a salad at McDonald's in Italy is still a McDonald's salad and is always going to feel "assembled" rather than prepared by a chef with a real feel for food. And it seems unlikely that Ladurée in Paris is feeling threatened by McDonald's efforts at macarons. Should they be?


  • 2楼 荆棘 2013-05-29





    上周麦当劳与意大利面品牌Barilla合作——这可不是个小品牌,它在我们的太爷爷太奶奶那代就已经很出名了。这次合作帮助麦当劳推出了他们的“意式”菜单:意大利境内的麦当劳餐厅现在会提供pennette 意面沙拉,描述是“金枪鱼、番茄、青椒、刺山柑和橄榄均衡搭配,佐以一小撮牛至和盐”。这道菜和麦当劳著名的巨无霸显然大不相同。这种尝试在这个以当地美食(而且做得很慢)出名的国家吸引了不少眼球。而对于“土食主义”来说,这种合作也有经济上的意义。


    麦当劳也不是唯一一家这么做的。Dimino's 同样给亚洲顾客提供特殊选项;阿根廷人可以在汉堡王尝到一种叫做“criollo”的特殊汉堡,用阿根廷香辣酱和芝士代替了蛋黄酱;而Taco Bell在印度提供填了干酪的费鸡特菜。

