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【23rd May】The Baths of the Roman Empire

发表于 2013-05-23 5131 次查看

The Baths of the Roman Empire

The baths of the Roman Empire were one of the most common types of building and came to represent luxury, community, recreation, and, in the provinces, an association with Rome. Any city aspiring to greatness would have possessed baths (or thermae). The baths first appeared in the Italian region of Campania, and the best preserved examples of the early types are in POMPEII. There the Stabian Baths of the first century B.C.E. were used, although they tended to be darker, smaller, and more primitive than their later imperial counterparts. Any large bath consisted of a number of rooms: the apodyterium (the changing room), frigidarium (cold room), tepidarium (warm room), caldarium (hot room), laconicum (dry sweating room), and an area for swimming, a natatio. Heat was provided to the caldarium from braziers or with ducts and hypocausts or underfloor heating. The better the bath, the more luxuries and amenities would be provided. The caldarium might be supplied with a schola labri, a basin of cold water, for example. Other additions were libraries, private suites (in public baths), gardens, and especially a gymnasium with an exercise area, the palestra.

It is not surprising, then, that baths were popular centers of local activity. Nowhere was this more true than in Rome itself. Marcus AGRIPPA, around 20 B.C.E., constructed the first major baths in the city, in the area of the Campus Martius. The baths that bore his name stood until 80 C.E. when they were consumed in the fire that destroyed much of the Campus Martius. The GOLDEN HOUSE OF NERO was described by SUETONIUS as having running sea water and sulphur water. Perhaps based on the Golden House, TITUS constructed a large series of rooms that included a bath with all of the essential elements plus two palaestrae, although it lacked a natatio. The much larger Baths of Trajan were begun in 104 C.E. and took five years to complete under the architect APOLLODORUS. He brilliantly placed the frigidarium in an elevated
middle position, allowing everything else to revolve around it, including the extensive natatio. These baths, situated on the Esquiline and utilizing much of the Golden House, were the largest structure yet built and remained so until CARACALLA’s reign.

The vast Baths of Caracalla, completed by his successors, represented the height of bath architecture. There were libraries, gardens, gymnasiums, and cisterns. The natatio was large and positioned to maximize the sky overhead; further, screens and walls semi-enclosed its area. Vaster in size was the frigidarium, which was supported by cross vaults and surrounded by small pools. The caldarium was moved away from the interior of the baths and set in its own position with a magnificent dome, some 35 meters high. Caracalla’s Baths remained in excellent condition for centuries and have preserved even into the 20th century their scale and ambition.

DIOCLETIAN was next to order new baths for Rome, finishing in 306 the work begun by MAXIMIAN in 298. They resembled Caracalla’s baths but were simpler in design, though they were certainly well built, for they stand today. The provinces and cities of the empire adapted these designs. In Africa, in LEPCIS MAGNA and CARTHAGE baths were erected. Lepcis Magna offered both the Baths of Hadrian and the smaller Hunting Baths of the late second century C.E. Carthage boasted the extensive Antonine Baths (mid-second century C.E.) near the ocean, pointing to the economic success of both city and province. Tivoli, the resort of Hadrian, possessed two thermae, a small and a large. The Small Baths were probably the emperor’s personal area and were a twisting amalgam of shapes and sizes. The Large Baths were very conventional, with cross vaults over the frigidarium.

  • 2楼 荆棘 2013-05-23


    罗马帝国的公共浴场是象征着奢华、社交、放松的一种建筑,同时对于其他人来说,它们也是古罗马的代表符号之一。每个有野心的城市都会建设公共浴场(或温泉浴场)。公共浴池始见于意大利坎帕尼亚区,而其中保存得最好的一座早期浴场是 POMPEII。那里最早(公元前一世纪)建设的是斯塔比亚式浴场,它比后来的帝国浴场要暗、小和简陋。每座大型浴场都由一系列的房间组成:公共更衣室、冷水浴室、温水浴室、高温浴室、蒸汽浴室以及一个游泳区域。那时使用火盆、管道、火坑或地下加热的方式给高温浴室供热。浴场越好,浴场提供的服务设施就越奢侈和舒适。比如高温浴室可能会提供一盆冷水。其他设施可能有图书馆、私人套间(公共浴室中)和花园,尤其是还有一个带摔跤场的健身场所。



    戴克里先是下一个建设新浴场的罗马皇帝,马克西米安从公元298年开始主持建设并于公元306年完成。他们参考了卡勒卡勒大浴场,但在设计方面稍微简化——不过即时以今天的标准来说,仍不失为号建筑。罗马帝国的其他地区和城市沿用了这些设计。在非洲,列伯提斯 .马格那和迦太基都建设了公共浴场。列伯提斯.马格那的浴场包括哈德良浴场和公元2世纪的狩猎浴场,迦太基则在海边建设了安东尼大浴场(公元2世纪中期)。这表明了当时两座城市和省份的经济都非常发达。蒂沃利,哈德良度假的地方,拥有一大一小的两个温泉浴场。较小的浴场可能是皇帝专用的浴场,在形状和尺寸上比较混搭。较大的浴场则比较传统,和其他浴场一样,冷水浴室下方有许多交错的地下室。
