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【22nd May】Ten species named after famous people

发表于 2013-05-22 6261 次查看

Every year, somewhere between 15,000 and 25,000 new species of animal are discovered, so how do scientists come up with original names for them? Not surprisingly, some seek inspiration in the world of popular culture, as witnessed recently when a scientist discovered a fossil of an extinct creature with scissor-like claws, and named it Kooteninchela deppi in honour of – you guessed it – Edward Scissorhands star Johnny Depp.

It’s not simply a matter of randomly attaching any name to a new species you think you may have discovered in the field or a museum. Your findings have to be accepted for publication in a scientific journal for you to give it a name – but once that’s done it lasts forever.

Naming species after celebrities is a very good way to draw attention to your finding. Some are a tribute, like the small crustacean parasite named after reggae legend Bob Marley. Some are clever, as in the miteFunkotriplogynium iagobadius named in honour of James Brown (iago meaning James, and badius meaning Brown). Some are a blatant ploy to meet heroes, as in the scientist who named a species of jellyfish after Frank Zappa (which worked).

Here, we list some of the weird and wonderful species named after famous... and infamous people.

Pirate of the Cambrian

Discovered a huge, scissor-clawed prehistoric arthropod? There’s only one thing for it – name it after Edward Scissorhands actor Johnny Depp.

Cleese in the trees

Noted lemur fancier John Cleese has been honoured with a species named after him, discovered by Swiss scientist Dr Urs Thalmann in 2005.

Mothers of spinvention

Scientists, it would appear, are big fans of psychedelic jazz-rock noodler Frank Zappa; animals named after him include this droopy-jawed spider. 

Spider woman

Angelina Jolie has won many honours in her film career, and can also add this species of trapdoor spider - Aptostichus angelinajolieae - to the list.

Infamous insect

When German scientist Oscar Scheibel found a new species of blind Yugolavian cave beetle in 1936 he chose to name it after dictator Adolf Hitler.

Microsoft bug

Computing pioneer Bill Gates has had a species of Costa Rican flower fly named after him – as has Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen.

Rock fossils

No jokes about rock dinosaurs – species of extinct trilobite have been named after Sex Pistol John Lydon (top left) and members of The Ramones (bottom left).

Giant of literature

Herman Melville penned the classic white whale novel Moby Dick; a species of extinct whale, Livyatan melvillei, was named after him in 2010.


  • 2楼 荆棘 2013-05-22


    科学家每年都能发现15,000到25,000种新物种,他们如何给它们命名?有的科学家从流行文化中寻找灵感,比如近期有个科学家发现了一种已灭绝生物的化石,它有一对像剪刀一样的钳子,于是就把它叫做Kooteninchela deppi。嗯,你猜对了,这个名字是来自剪刀手爱德华的扮演者约翰尼.德普(Johnny Depp)。


    用名人的名字给你发现的物种命名,这是个吸引注意力的好方法。有的是为了表达一种敬意,比如有一种甲壳动物上的小寄生虫,以传奇雷鬼音乐人Bob Marley命名。有的比较讨巧,比如一种叫Funkotriplogynium iagobadius的小虫,其实是为了纪念James Brown(灵魂音乐教父,iago是James的意思,而badius的意思是Brown)。而有的其实就是为了认识名人的伎俩,比如一个科学家他发现的一种水母以Frank Zappa(美国作曲家,歌手)的名字命名,然后成功勾搭上了(背景资料:发现这个新水母的是一个意大利科学家,以Frank Zappa的名义命名后,他成功地拜访了Frank)!



    2005年瑞典科学家Urs Thalmann发现了一种新的狐猴,于是以著名狐猴爱好者John Cleese的名字给它命名。

    Frank Zappa的科学家粉丝似乎很多,以他名字命名的生物还包括这个下巴下垂的蜘蛛。

    安吉丽娜.朱莉(Angelina Jolie)在她的电影生涯中获得无数荣誉,她的另一项荣誉是这个蜘蛛:Aptostichus angelinajolieae


    以电脑先驱比尔盖茨及微软联合创始人鲍尔艾伦Paul Allen都有以他们名字命名的物种:哥斯达黎加的两种苍蝇。


    还有三叶虫以Sex Pistol的John Lydon(左上)和The Ramones乐队成员名字(左下)命名。

    赫尔曼·梅尔维尔写了著名小说《Moby Dick/白鲸记》,于是2010年,一种已灭绝的白鲸被称为梅尔维尔白鲸。

  • 3楼 温古知心 2013-05-22
    每一年,有15000-25000个新物种被发现,那么科学家们是怎么为它们找到独一无二的名字的呢?并不奇怪,有些人会从流行文化中寻找灵感,就比如最近一位科学家发现了一种已经灭绝的有类似剪刀状钳的生物,并以Kooteninchela deppi 为它命名,以纪念~你猜得到的~剪刀手爱德华乔尼戴普。 这并不是如你想象的那么简单——把你在田里或者博物馆里发现的新物种随便冠上一个名字,你的发现必须被科学出版社发表,并且一旦命名便不可更改了。用名流来命名你的发现是个吸引注意力的好方法。有些是为了致意,像是一种以Bob Marley命名的甲壳纲寄生虫。有些是为了炫耀,像是一种名为Funkotriplogynium的螨虫是为了纪念James Brown。有些是作为一种张扬的手段用来迎合伟人,比如某科学家把一种水母的名字取名为Frank Zappa。 下面我们列举一些以著名人士或者非著名(o(╯□╰)o)人士命名的怪异的或者奇妙的生物。 Pirate of the Cambrian发现了一种体型巨大具有剪刀状螯的生物,以加勒比海盗演员乔尼戴普命名。 文学巨匠 Herman Melville 以一种即将灭绝的白鲸为原型写作了小说莫比迪克,2010年这种鲸便以他的名字命名为Livyatan melvillei。
  • 4楼 荆棘 2013-05-23


    Pirate of the Cambrian发现了——这个前面是小标题,不是他发现~

    Herman Melville 以一种即将灭绝的白鲸为原型写作了小说——原文里的意思不是说他以这种白鲸为原型,exitinct是已灭绝的意思,不是即将灭绝

  • 5楼 温古知心 2013-05-23

    @荆棘 谢谢指教(^_^) 

  • 6楼 温古知心 2013-05-23

    @荆棘 谢谢指教(^_^) 

  • 7楼 阿布 2013-05-27

    infamous 应该翻译成:名声不好的  的意思吧。
