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【17th May】Sex Taboos

发表于 2013-05-17 3995 次查看

Even in societies where frequent sexual activity between spouses is regarded as desirable, sexual relations are prohibited under some circumstances. Sex taboos are present in 60% of the 70 cultures for which evidence is available with specific categories of people, or at certain ages, stages, or crises in life (Broude, 1975). In some societies, sexual activity is prohibited during certain times of the day. The Cuna of Panama approve of sexual relations only at night in accordance with the laws of God (Broude, 1994). The Semang of Malaysia believe that sex during the day will cause thunderstorms and deadly lightning, leading to the drowning not only of the offending couple but also of other innocent people (Murdock, 1936). And the West African Bambara believe that a couple who engage in sex during the day will have an albino child (Paques, 1954). Sometimes, sex is prohibited in certain places. The Mende of West Africa forbid sexual intercourse in the bush (Little, 1951), while the Semang condemn sex within camp boundaries for fear that the supernatural will become angry (Murdock, 1936). Among the Bambara, engaging in sexual relations out of doors will lead to the failure of the crops (Paques, 1954).

Sex taboos can also apply to certain activities. Often, sex prohibitions are associated with war or economic pursuits. The Ganda of Uganda forbid sexual intercourse the night before battle if the fighting is likely to be protracted (Roscoe, 1911). The Lepcha prohibit sex for 3 months after a bear trap has been set. If the taboo is broken, no animals will be caught (Gorer, 1938). The Cuna of Panama outlaw sexual intercourse during a turtle hunt (Broude, 1994), the Yapese of Oceania prohibit sex during a fishing excursion (Hunt et al., 1949), and among the Ganda of Uganda, sex is forbidden while the wood for making canoes is being processed (Broude, 1994). Ganda women may not engage in sexual intercourse while they are mourning the dead (Broude, 1994), and Kwoma men are prohibited from engaging in sexual activity after a cult ceremony has been held (Whiting, 1941). The Jivaro of Ecuador refrain from engaging in sex after someone has died, after planting narcotics, when preparing a feast, or after an enemy has been killed (Broude, 1994).

Sex taboos can also apply to certain categories of people. The Marshallese prohibit sex with a person taking or dispensing herbal medicine or else the sick person will become worse and perhaps die (Broude, 1994). The Yapese comdemn sex for all religious figures (Hunt, Schneider, & Stevens, 1949). Sexual relations may also be forbidden at certain times of life. Some societies prohibit sex until a personreaches puberty or has undergone an initiation rite. Sexual relations are often prohibited while a woman is menstruating or pregnant or after she has given birth. Sex taboos during menstruation are reported in 20% of a sample of 44 societies. In the 117 societies for which a post-partum sex taboo is reported, the prohibition lasts for under a year in 80% and for over a year in the remaining 20% (Broude, 1975).

  • 2楼 荆棘 2013-05-17





  • 3楼 温古知心 2013-05-20

    即使在认同配偶之间性行为自由的社会中,在一些情况下性交也仍然是被禁止的。在70个社会群体中有60%存在性禁忌,从不同种类的人群中,或者不同的年龄段,时期或者生活中的重要事件可以发现这些证据。在一些社会里一天当中的特定时间是不允许性行为的。在Panama的Cuna为了与神的戒律保持一致,行。马来西亚的semamg人认为白天性交会导致风暴和致命的闪电,会淹死包括性交的夫妇两人和其他无辜的人。西非的 bambara人认为白天性交的夫妇会生下患白化病的孩子。有时候,在特殊的地方也是不能性交的,西非的mende禁止在树从里性交,而semamg人则因为害怕神灵发怒而谴责在放牧区内性交。在banbara地区,户外性交会导致作物欠收。

    性禁忌也使用于特定的活动。通常,性禁忌和战争与经济事务有关。在Ganda of Uganda如果预见战争会比较持久,开战前夜的性行为也是不被允许的 。lepcha人在设下捉熊陷阱以后的三个月是禁止性行为的,一旦打破禁忌就会一无所获。@*#*#@+太jb啰嗦了~&$¥$)%

