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Craig Gibson:父与子的重相

发表于 2013-08-27 1617 次查看

一般都说儿子会与父亲很相像,但是到底有多像呢?摄影师Craig Gibson拍摄了一组父子的照片,并把他们的照片合成在一起,找出他们的相同点。

Photographer Blends Portraits of Fathers and Sons to Show Genetic Similarities jpeg 1

Photographer Blends Portraits of Fathers and Sons to Show Genetic Similarities jpeg 9

Photographer Blends Portraits of Fathers and Sons to Show Genetic Similarities jpeg

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Photographer Blends Portraits of Fathers and Sons to Show Genetic Similarities jpeg 5

Photographer Blends Portraits of Fathers and Sons to Show Genetic Similarities jpeg 6

Photographer Blends Portraits of Fathers and Sons to Show Genetic Similarities jpeg 4

Photographer Blends Portraits of Fathers and Sons to Show Genetic Similarities jpeg 2

Photographer Blends Portraits of Fathers and Sons to Show Genetic Similarities jpeg 3
