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发表于 2013-07-22 3716 次查看

眼睛不仅是我们感知这个世界的重要器官,也被认为是心灵的窗户。其实,眼睛本身也奇妙无比,摄影师Suren Manvelyan拍摄了一系列微距的人眼和动物眼睛,你能猜出他们分别属于什么动物的眼睛吗?


Stunning Macro Photographs of Animal Eyes macroeye2

Stunning Macro Photographs of Animal Eyes macroeye3

Stunning Macro Photographs of Animal Eyes macroeye4

Stunning Macro Photographs of Animal Eyes macroeye5

Stunning Macro Photographs of Animal Eyes macroeye6

Stunning Macro Photographs of Animal Eyes macroeye7

Stunning Macro Photographs of Animal Eyes macroeye8

Stunning Macro Photographs of Animal Eyes macroeye9

Stunning Macro Photographs of Animal Eyes macroeye10

Stunning Macro Photographs of Animal Eyes macroeye11

Stunning Macro Photographs of Animal Eyes macroeye12

Stunning Macro Photographs of Animal Eyes macroeye13

Stunning Macro Photographs of Animal Eyes macroeye14

Stunning Macro Photographs of Animal Eyes macroeye15

