女巫、巫医、预言者、通灵者......看到这些很魔幻的名称你是不是很好奇?波兰摄影师Katarzyna Majak拍摄的一个项目,记录了生活在波兰的女灵异者。看看这些生活在现代社会的灵异界人士和你想象中有什么区别?
Bea, the one who listens to the woods
Joanna, leads women’s circles and ceremonies for women
Natalia, an artist
Kasia, an herbal healer
Kasia Emilia, the one who is
Enenna, a Wiccan
Larhetta, practitioner of the left hand path
Maria, a healer and a visionary.
Paraskiewa, a whisperer
Vrede Volva

Anna, a whisperer