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295个成员 2968个话题 创建时间:2012-12-05


发表于 2012-12-06 1482 次查看

We'd better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past.后悔过去,不如奋斗将来。

  • 2楼 iyou 2012-12-12

    The best time to learn how to fly is when someone lets you down. 有人将你从高处推下的时候恰恰是你展翅高飞的最佳时机。

  • 3楼 lantianmuy 2012-12-17

    we would better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past.

  • 4楼 Belinda 2013-01-27
    @lantianmuy:we would better struggle for the future rather tha...


  • 5楼 Belinda 2013-01-27
    @lantianmuy:we would better struggle for the future rather tha...

