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  • 法国革命1的笔记

    法国大革命17891、法国非常穷 2、美国独立战争 3、爱国与英国交战,史称“七年战争” 至1763年耗尽法国政府的财富 4、法国爆发大规模的饥荒,贵族逍遥自在 5、启蒙运动的盛行

    by 琴樱 0 0
  • 法国革命1的笔记

    The French RevolutionSignificance:independence from a monarchy-controlled empire, overthrowing the monarchy1789 begining of revolution1.French government was poor; monarch was lavish; troops in American revolution; 2.Seven Years' war = French and Indian War (Northern America); support of American Independence run out the money of French government3. famine within French people but royals and nobility and lives well; peasant not nobility pay the taxes - make people unhappy (most important)4. Enlightenment - ideas of people ruling themselves (proof of American revolution)Convocation of the Estates-Genral - meeting of three estates of France (1.clergy 0.5%, 2. nobility 1.5% 3. everyone eles 98%)meet to figure out the problem, 3rd estates were angry and afraid of more taxesMay, National Assembly of France 國民會議 - represent of people, Louis XVI thought himself absolute king and unhappy with this action, he locked the room of Assembly room when they assembled.June, They go inddor tennis court to have meeting. and declared Tennis Court Oath - constitution for France (some support from nobility and clergy)Louis XVI agreed, but them troops converging on Paris by the command of king. French troops (foreign troops)Louis XVI fired advisor, people think king going to suppress themJuly 14,1789. Bastille and free 7 prisioner to get weapons in order to fight with troops.thing get out of handAugust, Declaration of Indepence, (Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen)starting of French Revolutionbarbaric, bloody 

  • 法国革命2的笔记

    国民议会筹立宪法,直到1791年才成功。-财政危机-饥荒-谣传国王的妻子秘密储粮→农民妇女朝凡尔赛宫游行要求路易十六夫妇移居巴黎→被软禁在杜伊勒里宫 反革命叛乱→自我移民(贵族移民国外热潮) 路易十六出逃→被抓回来了激进革命者 雅各宾派→要求剔除君主立宪的概念共和国没有国王。 平民在战神广场集会,国民议会派军队安抚平民,却发生冲突,局势失控。“战神广场大屠杀” 联合发布《皮尔尼茨宣言》打算拥护路易十六重新掌权→引起民众警觉国民议会开始屠杀平民

  • 法国革命1的笔记

    1789 the French Revolution推翻王权统治。①国家财政危机-法国支援美国独立战争-法国与英国交战,“七年战争”直到1763年-大规模的饥荒与皇室富足矛盾激化②哲学家宣传启蒙运动,人文意识的觉醒→推翻王权的战争“For the People, by the people.” 美国独立战争→法国大革命 三级会议 May Convocation of the Estates-General-教士 人口的0.5%-贵族不缴税 人口的1.5%-平民和资产阶级等人承担所有税收责任 98% 国民议会 The National Assembly of France法国的议会形式 与路易十六的冲突 君主权利 “网球场宣言” the Tennis Court Oath June→宪法 立宪会议 得到部分教士和贵族的支持-军队聚集-解雇第一财务顾问-平民饥荒→平民武装并攻占巴士底狱 只有7名政治犯→得到大量武器→和军队抗衡,法国大革命开始→冲突不断升级 barbaric 局势失控 Bastille Day July 14, 1789 人权与公民权宣言 Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen网球场会议 法国版独立宣言a revolutionary period August


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